The comment column of distributor.dbo.MSdistribution_history contains comments such as

<stats state="2" fetch="11554" wait="214007" cmds="17898546" callstogetreplcmds="106880">
    <sincelaststats elapsedtime="300" fetch="8" wait="291" cmds="1948689" cmdspersec="6495.000000" />

The state value translates to

STATE   Indication
1       Normal Log
2       Reader Thread has to WAIT for Writer
3       Writer Thread has to WAIT for Reader

Is the comment telling me that the reader thread is waiting for the writer thread but has read 1948689 cmds since the last stats entry. Or is it telling me that the reader thread is waiting for the writer thread and the writer thread has written 1948689 cmds since the last stats entry?


1 回答 1



两个 cmd 值都与写入的命令数有关。自上次 stats - cmds 是自上次条目以来写入的所有 cmds,stats- cmd 是自上次评论以来写入的所有 cmds 的累积,状态为 1。

于 2013-05-14T08:15:00.203 回答