public enum ArrangeOrientation : int {
private void ArrangeButtons(List<Control> controls, List<Control> parents, ArrangeOrientation orientation, double shrinkFactor = 1d) {
if(controls == null) return;
if(parents == null) parents = new List<Control>();
List<Control> childs = new List<Control>();
Control parent = null;
foreach(Control ctrl in controls) {
if(parent == null && !parents.Contains(ctrl.Parent)) {
parent = ctrl.Parent;
if(parent == ctrl.Parent)
if(parent != null && childs.Count > 0) {
ArrangeControlsToGridLayout(childs, orientation, shrinkFactor);
ArrangeButtons(controls, parents, orientation, shrinkFactor);
private void ArrangeControlsToGridLayout(List<Control> controls, ArrangeOrientation orientation, double shrinkFactor = 1d) {
// do nothing if nothing set
if(orientation == ArrangeOrientation.None) return;
if(shrinkFactor == 0d|| shrinkFactor > 1d) shrinkFactor = 1d;
// buffer controls in separate list to avoid manipulating parameter
List<Control> ctrl = new List<Control>(controls.ToArray());
// remove invisible controls
int j = 0;
while(j < ctrl.Count) {
if(!ctrl[j].Visible) ctrl.RemoveAt(j);
else j++;
// loop arrangement
int count = ctrl.Count;
int xDelta, yDelta, xOffs, yOffs, y, x, columns, rows, parentWidth, parentHeight, xShrinkOffs, yShrinkOffs;
if(count >= 1) {
// parents size
parentWidth = ctrl[0].Parent.Width;
parentHeight = ctrl[0].Parent.Height;
// shrink factor offset
parentWidth = Convert.ToInt32(parentWidth * shrinkFactor);
parentHeight = Convert.ToInt32(parentHeight * shrinkFactor);
// shrink factor offset
xShrinkOffs = Convert.ToInt32((ctrl[0].Parent.Width - parentWidth) / 2d);
yShrinkOffs = Convert.ToInt32((ctrl[0].Parent.Height - parentHeight) / 2d);
// calculate columns rows grid layout
if(orientation == ArrangeOrientation.Horizonatal) {
rows = 1;
columns = count;
else if(orientation == ArrangeOrientation.Vertical) {
rows = count;
columns = 1;
else if(orientation == ArrangeOrientation.TopLeftGrid
|| orientation == ArrangeOrientation.TopRightGrid
|| orientation == ArrangeOrientation.BottomLeftGrid
|| orientation == ArrangeOrientation.BottomRightGrid) {
rows = 1;
columns = count;
else {
rows = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(count)));
if(Math.Sqrt(count) % 1d != 0d) rows++;
columns = count / rows + (count % rows != 0 ? 1 : 0);
if(orientation == ArrangeOrientation.HorizontalGrid) {
int swap = columns;
columns = rows;
rows = columns;
// calculate position offsets, grid distance
xDelta = parentWidth / count;
yDelta = parentHeight / count;
xOffs = xDelta / 2;
yOffs = yDelta / 2;
if(orientation == ArrangeOrientation.TopLeftGrid) {
else if(orientation == ArrangeOrientation.TopRightGrid) {
xOffs = parentWidth - xOffs;
xDelta = -xDelta;
else if(orientation == ArrangeOrientation.BottomLeftGrid) {
yOffs = parentHeight - yOffs;
yDelta = -yDelta;
else if(orientation == ArrangeOrientation.BottomRightGrid) {
xOffs = parentWidth - xOffs;
yOffs = parentHeight - yOffs;
xDelta = -xDelta;
yDelta = -yDelta;
else {
xDelta = parentWidth / columns;
yDelta = parentHeight / rows;
xOffs = xDelta / 2;
yOffs = yDelta / 2;
// fit controls in grid layout
Point pRoot = new Point(/*ctrl[0].Parent.Location.X + */xOffs, /*ctrl[0].Parent.Location.Y + */yOffs);
y = 0; x = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if(orientation == ArrangeOrientation.VerticalGrid) {
// actual x/y - points zero based index
y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor((double)i % rows));
// next row? zero based index
if(i % rows == 0 && i != 0) x++;
else {
// actual x/y - points zero based index
x = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor((double)i % columns));
// next row? zero based index
if(i % columns == 0 && i != 0) y++;
if(orientation == ArrangeOrientation.TopLeftGrid
|| orientation == ArrangeOrientation.TopRightGrid
|| orientation == ArrangeOrientation.BottomLeftGrid
|| orientation == ArrangeOrientation.BottomRightGrid)
y = x;
} // assign controls to grid
ctrl[i].Location = new Point(pRoot.X + x * xDelta - ctrl[i].Size.Width / 2 + xShrinkOffs, pRoot.Y + y * yDelta - ctrl[i].Size.Height / 2 + yShrinkOffs);