我在下面实现的算法是著名的 Robert Floyd 算法,它从总共有 N 个数字的数组中返回 M 个随机数。该算法返回一组元素,但在算法中,您将需要遍历此结果集以检查之前找到的元素是否已添加到结果集中。
template<typename Iter, typename RandomGenerator>
Iter random_element(Iter start, Iter end, RandomGenerator& g) {
if (start == end) return start;
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, std::distance(start, end) - 1);
std::advance(start, dis(g));
return start;
template<typename Iter>
Iter random_element(Iter start, Iter end) {
static std::random_device rd;
static std::mt19937 gen(rd());
return random_element(start, end, gen);
//! @brief Algorithm of Robert Floyd.
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
OutputIterator random_n(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, size_t number) {
// "misuse" the glibc functions to enforce the notions conform to the documentation
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type ValueType;
__glibcxx_function_requires(_OutputIteratorConcept<OutputIterator, ValueType>);
__glibcxx_requires_valid_range(first1, last1);
if (first == last) return result;
if (number == 0) return result;
assert (number <= (last - first));
// create container to store distances, not the value itself, neither the iterator values
std::vector<size_t> distance;
InputIterator j = last - number + 1;
// in the case of number=1, j will need to be the end of the array, so full array is searched
while (j <= last) {
InputIterator rand_index = random_element(first,j);
size_t rand = std::distance(first, rand_index);
if (std::find(distance.begin(), distance.end(), rand) != distance.end()) {
distance.push_back(std::distance(first,j) - 1);
} else {
// fill result container
for (size_t i = 0; i < distance.size(); ++i) {
*result = *(first+distance[i]);
return result;