What I would first do is put all your *.tiff in a single folder. Then read all their names into a list. Stack them and then write a multi-layered raster. I'm assuming all the images have the same extent and projection.
### Load necessary packages
library(rgdal) #I cant recall what packages you might need so this is probably
library(grid) # overkill
############ function extracts the last n characters from a string
############ without counting the last m
subs <- function(x, n=1,m=0){
substr(x, nchar(x)-n-m+1, nchar(x)-m)
setwd("your working directory path") # you set your wd to were all your images are
filez <- list.files() # creates a list with all the files in the wd
no <- length(filez) # amount of files found
imagestack <- stack() # you initialize your raster stack
for (i in 1:no){
if (subs(filez[i],4)=="tiff"){
image <- raster(filez[i]) # fill up raster stack with only the tiffs
imagestack <- addLayer(imagestack,image)
writeRaster(imagestack,filename="output path",options="INTERLEAVE=BAND",overwrite=TRUE)
# write stack
I did not try this, but it should work.