我需要在来自服务器的所有响应中捕获一个可能的登录页面,因此我已全局覆盖 Backbone.sync,以便在传递它们之前检查所有错误。
Backbone.originalSync = Backbone.sync;
Backbone.sync = function (method, model, options) {
var originalSuccess, originalError;
console.log("sync override...");
// remember original success so we can call it if user logs in successfully
originalSuccess = options.success;
// proxy the error callback to first check if we get a login page back
originalError = options.error;
options.error = function (model, xhr, options) {
if (xhr.status === 200 && xhr.responseText === "") {
// parse error from empty response (jq1.9 invalid json, ok)
originalSuccess(model, xhr, options);
} else {
console.log("Sync error " + statusTxt + ", " + thrown.message);
if (xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 302 || xhr.status === 0) {
// login page returned instead of json...
// open a new window with relogon.html to trigger a new login
} else {
// normal error, pass along
if (originalError) {
originalError(model, xhr, options);
// call the original sync
Backbone.originalSync(method, model, options);
当从 0.9.9 升级到 1.0 时,这很糟糕。看起来原始的 Backbone.sync 以不同的方式包装其错误处理程序,导致我的错误处理程序首先被调用,并带有 jquery xhr 签名。我不得不将错误处理程序的签名更改为:
options.error = function (xhr, statusTxt, thrown) {
我尝试使用 jquery 承诺,但我需要能够从错误状态切换到成功(调用 originalSuccess 时),这似乎不适用于承诺。