我正在使用以下 FQL 查询

'select src,src_big from photo where aid in(select aid from album where owner=' + contactId + ' and type="profile")'

但它适用于我大约 50% 的朋友,而其余的 - 它没有。这不是权限问题,因为每个朋友的行为都会持续存在,如果它适用于朋友 - 它总是适用于他。

  1. 这是 Facebook 的事情,用户可以选择阻止应用获取他的照片吗?(比如 /me/friends 中缺少一些朋友时会发生什么)
  2. 这会很奇怪,因为它不适用于太多的朋友..
  3. 我对图形 API 进行了同样的尝试,但同样的情况发生了(有些用户可以,其余的则不行)




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Take a look at the Profile settings of your account. Do you see the Apps link on the left?

There's on portion there that says "Apps others use"

People on Facebook who can see your info can bring it with them when they use apps. This makes their experience better and more social. Use the settings below to control the categories of information that people can bring with them when they use apps, games and websites.


My videos


My links

Family and relationships

My notes

Interested in


Religious and political views

Current city

My website

Education and work

If I'm online

Activities, interests, things I like

My status updates

My app activity

My photos

If you don't want apps and websites to access other categories of information (like your friend list, gender or info you've made public), you can turn off all Platform apps. But remember, you will not be able to use any games or apps yourself.

If your friends have that checked. I believe apps won't be able to get your friends' images through your access_tokens even if you have allowed the "friends_photos" permission enabled for the app that you're using.

I did an experiment and apparently I found that I must get my friend to also access the app to allow the app to access their photos under the "user_photos" permission. only then can I get their photos using my access token with the "friends_photos" permission.

Not sure if this makes sense to you.

于 2013-05-10T07:12:28.140 回答