我正在遵循一个 android 游戏开发指南,当我尝试将它部署在虚拟测试设备或我自己的 android 手机上时它不起作用。我正在使用 ---->这个<---- 指南(我遵循了之前指南中的所有内容)并且我刚刚完成了第 4 步,我尝试在虚拟测试设备和我的手机上运行它(两者都在之前工作过) 但现在虚拟设备不会出现在 Android 设备选择器中,我的手机确实出现了,但是当我尝试部署它时,我得到了这些结果,它对我的​​手机没有任何作用:

[2013-05-09 22:34:05 - AndroidGame] Android Launch!
[2013-05-09 22:34:05 - AndroidGame] adb is running normally.
[2013-05-09 22:34:05 - AndroidGame] No Launcher activity found!
[2013-05-09 22:34:05 - AndroidGame] The launch will only sync the application package on the device!
[2013-05-09 22:34:05 - AndroidGame] Performing sync
[2013-05-09 22:34:05 - AndroidGame] Automatic Target Mode: Unable to detect device compatibility. Please select a target device.
[2013-05-09 22:34:09 - AndroidGame] Application already deployed. No need to reinstall.
[2013-05-09 22:34:09 - AndroidGame] \AndroidGame\bin\AndroidGame.apk installed on device
[2013-05-09 22:34:09 - AndroidGame] Done!

此外,当我使用指南中告诉我的设置单击“启动新的 Android 虚拟设备”时,我得到以下结果:

[2013-05-09 22:42:15 - AndroidGame] ------------------------------
[2013-05-09 22:42:15 - AndroidGame] Android Launch!
[2013-05-09 22:42:15 - AndroidGame] adb is running normally.
[2013-05-09 22:42:15 - AndroidGame] No Launcher activity found!
[2013-05-09 22:42:15 - AndroidGame] The launch will only sync the application package on the device!
[2013-05-09 22:42:15 - AndroidGame] Performing sync
[2013-05-09 22:42:15 - AndroidGame] Automatic Target Mode: Unable to detect device compatibility. Please select a target device.
[2013-05-09 22:42:24 - AndroidGame] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'GalaxyNexus'
[2013-05-09 22:42:24 - Emulator] emulator: ERROR: Unable to load VM from snapshot. The snapshot has been saved for a different hardware configuration.


好的,我在 DDMS 中单击了重置 adb,我在 logcat 中得到了这些错误:

05-10 19:34:25.377: E/dhcpcd(16431): dhcpcd has parameter opt=n(110)
05-10 19:34:25.377: E/dhcpcd(16431): read_config() enter
05-10 19:34:25.377: E/dhcpcd(16431): read_config() file=NULL
05-10 19:34:25.377: E/dhcpcd(16431): read_config() ifname=NULL
05-10 19:34:25.377: E/dhcpcd(16431): read_config() ssid=NULL
05-10 19:34:25.377: E/dhcpcd(16431): read_config() profile=NULL
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(16431): opening file /system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd.conf
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(16431): add_options() enter
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(16431): parse_option() enter, opt=n(110)
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(16431): optind=2
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(16431): sending signal 14 to pid 3503
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(3503): n=-1, errno=4
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(3503): new loop begin!
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(3503): now.tv_sec=1368239665, now.tv_usec=396431; timeouts.tv_sec=1368241393, timeouts.tv_usec=429503
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(3503): nfds=1
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(3503): n=1, errno=4
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(3503): e->fd=9
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(3503): handle_signal() enter sig=14
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(3503): received SIGALRM, renewing
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(3503): wlan0: renewing lease of
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(3503): wlan0: sending REQUEST (xid 0x758c1751), next in 2.64 seconds
05-10 19:34:25.387: E/dhcpcd(3503): open_sockets() enter iface->raw_fd=-1, iface->udp_fd=-1, iface->addr.s_addr=1694607552
05-10 19:34:25.407: E/dhcpcd(3503): add_event() fd=13
05-10 19:34:25.407: E/dhcpcd(3503): send_message() add timeout.
05-10 19:34:25.407: E/dhcpcd(3503): add_q_timeout_tv() queue=0, when.tv_sec=1, when.tv_usec=1637134
05-10 19:34:25.407: E/dhcpcd(3503): new loop begin!
05-10 19:34:25.407: E/dhcpcd(3503): now.tv_sec=1368239665, now.tv_usec=411752; timeouts.tv_sec=1368239667, timeouts.tv_usec=1048886
05-10 19:34:25.407: E/dhcpcd(3503): nfds=2
05-10 19:34:25.407: E/dhcpcd(3503): n=1, errno=4
05-10 19:34:25.407: E/dhcpcd(3503): e->fd=13
05-10 19:34:25.407: E/dhcpcd(3503): wlan0: acknowledged from
05-10 19:34:25.407: E/dhcpcd(3503): delete_q_timeout() queue=0
05-10 19:34:25.407: E/dhcpcd(3503): close_sockets() enter iface->arp_fd=-1, iface->raw_fd=13, iface->udp_fd=14
05-10 19:34:25.407: E/dhcpcd(3503): delete_event() fd=13
05-10 19:34:25.427: E/dhcpcd(3503): bind_interface() enter
05-10 19:34:25.427: E/dhcpcd(3503): close_sockets() enter iface->arp_fd=-1, iface->raw_fd=-1, iface->udp_fd=-1
05-10 19:34:25.427: E/dhcpcd(3503): delete_q_timeout() queue=0
05-10 19:34:25.427: E/dhcpcd(3503): wlan0: leased for 86400 seconds
05-10 19:34:25.427: E/dhcpcd(3503): add_q_timeout_sec() queue=0, when=43200
05-10 19:34:25.427: E/dhcpcd(3503): add_q_timeout_tv() queue=0, when.tv_sec=43200, when.tv_usec=0
05-10 19:34:25.427: E/dhcpcd(3503): add_q_timeout_sec() queue=0, when=75600
05-10 19:34:25.427: E/dhcpcd(3503): add_q_timeout_tv() queue=0, when.tv_sec=75600, when.tv_usec=0
05-10 19:34:25.427: E/dhcpcd(3503): add_q_timeout_sec() queue=0, when=86400
05-10 19:34:25.427: E/dhcpcd(3503): add_q_timeout_tv() queue=0, when.tv_sec=86400, when.tv_usec=0
05-10 19:34:25.427: E/dhcpcd(3503): wlan0: adding IP address
05-10 19:34:25.427: E/dhcpcd(3503): wlan0: writing lease `/data/misc/dhcp/dhcpcd-wlan0.lease'
05-10 19:34:25.437: E/dhcpcd(3503): wlan0: executing `/system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks', reason RENEW
05-10 19:34:25.437: E/dhcpcd(3503): make_env() enter
05-10 19:34:25.437: E/dhcpcd(3503): auto_ip_enabled() enter
05-10 19:34:25.437: E/dhcpcd(3503): configure_env() enter
05-10 19:34:25.437: E/dhcpcd(3503): !env
05-10 19:34:25.437: E/dhcpcd(3503): configure_env() enter
05-10 19:34:25.437: E/dhcpcd(3503): append_config() enter, config=0
05-10 19:34:25.437: E/dhcpcd(3503): configure_env() enter
05-10 19:34:25.437: E/dhcpcd(3503): !env
05-10 19:34:25.437: E/dhcpcd(3503): make_env() e=15
05-10 19:34:25.437: E/dhcpcd(3503): configure_env() enter
05-10 19:34:25.437: E/dhcpcd(3503): append_config() enter, config=0
05-10 19:34:25.437: E/dhcpcd(3503): path=/sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin
05-10 19:34:25.437: E/dhcpcd(3503): exec_script() enter
05-10 19:34:25.687: E/dhcpcd(3503): new loop begin!
05-10 19:34:25.687: E/dhcpcd(3503): now.tv_sec=1368239665, now.tv_usec=430644; timeouts.tv_sec=1368282865, timeouts.tv_usec=430553
05-10 19:34:25.687: E/dhcpcd(3503): nfds=1
05-10 20:08:31.720: A/libc(18008): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000070 (code=1)
05-10 20:08:31.970: A/libc(18027): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000070 (code=1)



1 回答 1


[2013-05-09 22:34:05 - AndroidGame] 未找到启动器活动!

你确定在你的 AndroidManifest.xml 活动中有这个意图过滤器吗?

    <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

就像它在指南的第 4 部分中描述的一样

于 2013-05-10T06:00:38.723 回答