我正在尝试做的是让我的下拉列表之一在另一个下拉列表中的选定项目发生变化时更改其内容。我的 aspx 文件中有这段代码:
function ModifyDDLItems(id1, id2)
var ddlcontrolShown = document.getElementById(id1);
var ddlcontrolHidden = document.getElementById(id2);
if (ddlcontrolShown.options[ddlcontrolShown.selectedIndex].value == "DD1")
//Get number of items of hidden ddl
var length = ddlcontrolHidden.options.length;
//Clear items of shown ddl
ddlcontrolShown.options.length = 0;
//Add itmems of hidden ddl to shown ddl
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
var newoption = document.createElement("option")
newoption.text = ddlcontrolHidden.options[i].text;
newoption.value = ddlcontrolHidden.options[i].text.value;
现在,我通过这个给它前端 ID:
protected void SetDD1ConfItems(GridViewRow gvRow, DataSet BaseConfItems)
DataView dvConfType = new DataView(BaseConfItems.Tables[0]);
DataSet dsTemp = BaseConfItems.Clone();
DropDownList ddlConfType2 = (DropDownList)form1.FindControl("ddlConfType2");
DropDownList ddlBA = (DropDownList)gvRow.FindControl("ddlBA");
DropDownList ddlConfType = (DropDownList)gvRow.FindControl("ddlConfType");
dvConfType.RowFilter = "ref_code = 'FAX' or ref_code = 'EEX' or ref_code = 'EPD'";
ddlConfType2.DataSource = dsTemp;
//ddlBA.Attributes["onchange"] = "function GetDDLD(" + ddlConfType.ClientID + ", " + ddlConfType2.ClientID + ") {ModifyDDLItems(id1, id2);}";
ddlBA.Attributes.Add("onchange", "ModifyDDLItems('" + ddlConfType.ClientID + "', '" + ddlConfType2.ClientID + "')");
当我运行它时,VS 一直告诉我 id1 和 id2 都是空的,似乎 id 没有正确传递给客户端。