VBA 菜鸟在这里(和第一次发帖)可能是一个非常基本的问题。但是,我在互联网上的任何地方(或在我拥有的参考书中)都没有找到答案,所以我很困惑。


例如,我想从这样的工作表中复制标记为 x 的单元格:

x . . . x x . . x . . x
x . . . x x . . x . . x
x . . . x x . . x . . x
x . . . x x . . x . . x
x . . . x x . . x . . x
x . . . x x . . x . . x
x . . . x x . . x . . x
x . . . x x . . x . . x
x . . . x x . . x . . x


x x x x x . . . . . 
x x x x x . . . . . 
x x x x x . . . . . 
x x x x x . . . . . 
x x x x x . . . . . 
x x x x x . . . . . 
x x x x x . . . . . 
x x x x x . . . . . 
x x x x x . . . . . 
x x x x x . . . . . 


  • 源范围是脱节的列。目的地是连续块
    • 例如源“A3:B440, G3:G440, I3:I440” -> 目标“A3:D440”
  • 只有价值观。目的地具有需要保留的条件格式
  • Destination 是 ListObject 的 DataBodyRange 的一部分
  • 源范围列是任意的。它们由标头索引功能找到。
  • 行数是任意的,但对于源和目标都是相同的。
  • 我试图复制大约 400 行和 10-15 列。循环是......烦人。


For Each hdrfield In ExportFields

    RawDataCol = s_RawData.HeaderColumnPositions(hdrfield)

    s_RawData.Range(s_RawData.Cells(3, RawDataCol), s_RawData.Cells(LastRow, RawDataCol)).Copy (s_Console.Range(s_Console.Cells(3, i), s_Console.Cells(LastRow, i)))
    s_Console.Range(s_Console.Cells(3, i), s_Console.Cells(LastRow, i)).Select

    i = i + 1

Next hdrfield


'transfer just the important columns from the raw data sheet to the report line sheet
s_Console.Range("A3:A" & upperlimit).Value = s_RawData.Range("A3:A" & upperlimit).Value 'timestamp
s_Console.Range("B3:B" & upperlimit).Value = s_RawData.Range("I3:I" & upperlimit).Value 'H2.ppm
s_Console.Range("C3:C" & upperlimit).Value = s_RawData.Range("J3:J" & upperlimit).Value 'H2_DG.ppm
s_Console.Range("D3:D" & upperlimit).Value = s_RawData.Range("K3:K" & upperlimit).Value 'OilTemp or GasTemp
s_Console.Range("E3:E" & upperlimit).Value = s_RawData.Range("L3:L" & upperlimit).Value 'H2_G.ppm
s_Console.Range("F3:F" & upperlimit).Value = s_RawData.Range("q3:q" & upperlimit).Value 'H2_mt
s_Console.Range("G3:G" & upperlimit).Value = s_RawData.Range("r3:r" & upperlimit).Value 'H2_oo
s_Console.Range("H3:H" & upperlimit).Value = s_RawData.Range("s3:s" & upperlimit).Value 'H2_lg
s_Console.Range("I3:I" & upperlimit).Value = s_RawData.Range("t3:t" & upperlimit).Value 'R1
s_Console.Range("J3:J" & upperlimit).Value = s_RawData.Range("u3:u" & upperlimit).Value 'R2
s_Console.Range("K3:K" & upperlimit).Value = s_RawData.Range("ab3:ab" & upperlimit).Value 't1
s_Console.Range("L3:L" & upperlimit).Value = s_RawData.Range("ac3:ac" & upperlimit).Value 't2
s_Console.Range("M3:M" & upperlimit).Value = s_RawData.Range("ah3:Ah" & upperlimit).Value 'Cycle Type


 s_console.range("A3:M" & lastrow).value = s_rawdata.exportrange


谢谢您的帮助!这似乎是学习 VBA 的基本部分,我只是找不到任何信息。



2 回答 2



Sheet1.Range("A3:B440, G3:G440, I3:I440").Copy
Sheet2.Range("A3").PasteSpecial xlValues

请注意,在上面的 Sheet1 和 Sheet2 是代号,但您可能会使用类似ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("mySheet").

我真的不能确定你还想做什么,所以我只是写了一些代码。这通过使用 Find 和 FindNext 查找要复制的列,在第 2 行中搜索带有“复制”的列:

Sub CopyDiscontiguousColumns()
Dim wsFrom As Excel.Worksheet
Dim wsTo As Excel.Worksheet
Dim RangeToCopy As Excel.Range
Dim HeaderRange As Excel.Range
Dim HeaderText As String
Dim FirstFoundHeader As Excel.Range
Dim NextFoundHeader As Excel.Range
Dim LastRow As Long

Set wsFrom = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Set wsTo = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2)
'headers are in row 2
Set HeaderRange = wsFrom.Rows(2)
'This is the text that identifies columns to be copies
HeaderText = "copy"
With wsFrom
    'look for the first instance of "copy" in the header row
    Set FirstFoundHeader = HeaderRange.Find(HeaderText)
    'if "copy" is found, we're off and running
    If Not FirstFoundHeader Is Nothing Then
        LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, FirstFoundHeader.Column).End(xlUp).Row
        Set NextFoundHeader = FirstFoundHeader
        'start to build the range with columns to copy
        Set RangeToCopy = .Range(.Cells(3, NextFoundHeader.Column), .Cells(.Rows.Count, NextFoundHeader.Column))
        'and then just keep doing the same thing in a loop until we get back to the start
        Set NextFoundHeader = HeaderRange.FindNext(NextFoundHeader)
            If Not NextFoundHeader Is Nothing Then
                Set RangeToCopy = Union(RangeToCopy, .Range(.Cells(3, NextFoundHeader.Column), .Cells(.Rows.Count, NextFoundHeader.Column)))
            End If
        Loop While Not NextFoundHeader Is Nothing And NextFoundHeader.Address <> FirstFoundHeader.Address
    End If
End With
Sheet2.Range("A3").PasteSpecial xlValues
End Sub
于 2013-05-10T03:39:02.330 回答

您可以利用 Application.Union 功能:

Sub macro1()

Dim rngUnion As Range

With Application
    .ScreenUpdating = False
    .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With

With s_RawData
    Set rngUnion = Application.Union(.Range("A3:B" & upperlimit), .Range("G3:G" & upperlimit), .Range("I3:I" & upperlimit))
    rngUnion.Copy Destination:=s_Console.Range("A1")
End With

With Application
    .ScreenUpdating = True
    .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End With

End Sub


With Application
    .ScreenUpdating = False
    .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With

For Each hdrfield In ExportFields

    RawDataCol = s_RawData.HeaderColumnPositions(hdrfield)

    s_RawData.Range(s_RawData.Cells(3, RawDataCol), s_RawData.Cells(LastRow, RawDataCol)).Copy Destination:=s_Console.Range(s_Console.Cells(3, i), s_Console.Cells(LastRow, i))

    i = i + 1

Next hdrfield

With Application
    .ScreenUpdating = True
    .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End With
于 2013-05-10T01:34:02.613 回答