Okay this has to be the simplest thing in the world but I just can't figure it out.
I have read the documentation and understand the concept of a JQM pop-up.

a link with:

href="popupBasic" data-rel="popup"

and a div with:

data-role="popup" id="popupBasic"

What I don't understand is where do I store that div because if it is in the html file the div content shows up without needing the pop-up and makes no sesnse.


1 回答 1


事实证明我错了,这是一个格式问题,您可以将 div 存储在本地 HTML 文档中而不显示它们。


不管怎么说,还是要谢谢你 :)。

于 2013-05-09T23:06:07.180 回答