I have a project that does packet serialization of several different types(Packet1, Packet2...). They all extend a PacketHeader class and does its own serialization

This approach seems very messy and error-prone, especially as the number of fields grows.

Is there a cleaner and more OOP & C++ way for serialization(without 3rd-party library)?

class PacketHeader {
    uint8_t type;
    uint32_t id;
    uint32_t seqNum;

    virtual void serialize(uint8_t *buf, size_t size) {
        int offset = 0;
        PacketHeader n;
        n.type = type;
        n.id = htonl(id);
        n.seqNum = htonl(seqNum);
        memcpy(buf + offset, &(n.type), sizeof(n.type));
        offset += sizeof(n.type);
        memcpy(buf + offset, &(n.id), sizeof(n.id));
        offset += sizeof(n.id);
        memcpy(buf + offset, &n.seqNum, sizeof(n.seqNum));
        offset += sizeof(n.seqNum);

class Packet1 : public PacketHeader {
    uint32_t payload;

    virtual void serialize(uint8_t *buf, size_t size) {
        int offset = PacketHeader::size();
        PacketHeader::serialize(buf, size);
        memcpy(buf + offset, &n.payload, sizeof(n.payload));
        offset += sizeof(n.payload);

1 回答 1




相反,我建议查看提供字典的系统——键/值数据对象——而不是使用本机 C++ 结构/类数据成员。有些使用标准的序列化格式,例如 JSON。JSONCPP 是一个非常受欢迎的包,它可以做到这一点:http: //jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/


如果需要二进制序列化,请查看 BSON、MessagePack、Google Protocol Buffers 和 Apache Thrift。它们都为 C++ 提供库或绑定。

于 2013-05-09T20:47:27.753 回答