
<div class="books">
  <div class="book">
      there are many deep nested elements here, somewhere there will be one span with  some text e.g. 'mybooktext' within these
 there are also many nested elements here, somewhere there will be a link with a class called 'mylinkclass' within these. (this is the element i want to find)
     <a class="mylinkclass">Bla</a>
<div class="book">
 there are many deep nested elements here, somewhere there will be one span with some     text e.g. 'mybooktext' within these
 there are also many nested elements here, somewhere there will be a link with a class called 'mylinkclass' within these. (this is the element i want to find)
   <a class="mylinkclass">Bla</a>
<div class="book">
same as above

我想在 book 元素中找到链接元素(链接有名为“mylinkclass”的类),这将基于同一 book 元素中的 span 文本。


  1. - 使用文本“mybooktext”查找跨度

  2. - 向上导航图书 div

  3. - 在书籍 div 中查找与“mylinkclass”类的链接

这应该使用一个 xpath 语句来完成


1 回答 1



" //span[contains(text(),'mybooktext')]

//span[contains(text(),'mybooktext')]查找包含“mybooktext”的 san 向上
/ancestor::div[@class='book']导航 Book div(在任何
//a[@class='mylinkclass']深度) 在 book div 中查找类“mylinkclass”的链接(在任何深度)

//span[(text() ='mybooktext']mybooktext 是否是 span 中的唯一文本

于 2013-05-09T19:53:30.990 回答