.txt 文件包含 68 行。第 68 行有 5 条数据需要我提取,但我不知道如何提取。我有大约 20 个 .txt 文件,所有这些文件都需要读取它们的第 68 行。但是,我需要将所有提取的数据拖放到一个 Excel 文件中。
这是第 68 行的样子:
Final graph has 1496 nodes and n50 of 53706, max 306216, total 5252643, using 384548/389191 reads
f = open('filepath.txt', 'r')
for line in f:
#do operations for each line in the textfile
我喜欢使用openpyxl来完成这样的任务。下面是一个文件的示例。您应该能够将其扩展到多个文件。您没有确切说明您希望如何格式化电子表格中的数据,所以我只创建了一行标题,然后为文件创建了一行数据(5 个字段)。如果我有更多关于你的项目的信息,这可以被改进。
from openpyxl import Workbook
import re
wb = Workbook()
ws = wb.get_active_sheet()
# write column headers
ws.cell(row=0, column=0).value = 'nodes'
ws.cell(row=0, column=1).value = 'n50'
ws.cell(row=0, column=2).value = 'max'
ws.cell(row=0, column=3).value = 'total'
ws.cell(row=0, column=4).value = 'reads'
# open file and extract lines into list
f = open("somedata.txt", "r")
lines = f.readlines()
# compile regex using named groups and apply regex to line 68
p = re.compile("^Final\sgraph\shas\s(?P<nodes>\d+)\snodes\sand\sn50\sof\s(?P<n50>\d+),\smax\s(?P<max>\d+),\stotal\s(?P<total>\d+),\susing\s(?P<reads>\d+\/\d+)\sreads$")
m = p.match(lines[67])
# if we have a match, then write the data to the spreadsheet
if (m):
ws.cell(row=1, column=0).value = m.group('nodes')
ws.cell(row=1, column=1).value = m.group('n50')
ws.cell(row=1, column=2).value = m.group('max')
ws.cell(row=1, column=3).value = m.group('total')
ws.cell(row=1, column=4).value = m.group('reads')
与依赖正则表达式的 David 相比,以下内容稍微不那么优雅但更透明。它强烈依赖于您描述的特定格式。此外,在我看来,您实际上关心的是 6 个(不是 5 个)变量——除非您可以将读取中的比率转换为小数。
您需要在 nameList 中提供正确的文件名列表(手动,如果它们没有以方便的方式命名)。
另外,我不输出到 excel 文件,而是输出到 csv。当然,在 Excel 中打开一个 csv 文件非常简单,您可以从中保存为 xls。
import csv
import string
# Make list of all 20 files like so:
nameList = ['/full/path/to/Log.txt', '/different/path/to/Log.txt', '/yet/another/path/to/Log.txt']
lineNum = 68
myCols = ['nodes','n50','max','total','reads1','reads2']
myData = []
for name in nameList:
fi = open(name,"r")
table = string.maketrans("","")
# split line lineNum into list of strings
strings = fi.readlines()[lineNum-1].split()
# remove punctuation appropriately
nodes = int(strings[3])
n50 = int(strings[8].translate(table,string.punctuation))
myMax = int(strings[10].translate(table,string.punctuation))
total = int(strings[12].translate(table,string.punctuation))
reads1 = int(strings[14].split('/')[0])
reads2 = int(strings[14].split('/')[1])
myData.append([nodes, n50, myMax, total, reads1, reads2])
# Write the data out to a new csv file
fileOut = "out.csv"
csvFileOut = open(fileOut,"w")
myWriter = csv.writer(csvFileOut)
for line in myData: