I have a page generated by Views which lists 5 Articles at a time. This view is paginated so that page 2 of this View will list the second batch of 5 Articles, page 3 will list the third batch of Articles, so on and so forth.

My question: is it somehow possible to extract fields from Articles listed on the page you're currently on, perhaps via the url? And I only want to them on the Articles being displayed by the page the viewer is currently on and not all the Articles.

My intent is to have a Views Block that would ...

  1. determine what page of the paginated View above you're looking at
  2. determine what Articles are listed on that specific page
  3. aggregate and display the Taxonomy Terms of those listed Articles (Articles have a Taxonomy Term field) in the block
  4. do all the above automatically as you change what page you're looking at

The way I'm going about this is to list all the the Taxonomy terms in a block which is relatively straightforward. What I can't figure out is how to filter it based on what Articles are being displayed to me in a paginated page.

I was thinking maybe this is possible to use it using the url of the paginated page which goes along this format: ?page=1, ?page=2, etc.

If anyone could just point me to the right direction, I would appreciate it. I'm also open to alternatives.


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然后您可能只想从块视图中隐藏寻呼机。您可以通过该视图显示的自定义模板来做到这一点,或者可能是一个预处理函数,它只为您的视图隐藏寻呼机,或者通过 CSS。

于 2013-05-10T06:54:01.990 回答