我有一种情况,我创建了一个长时间运行的任务列表,它监视一些系统/网络资源,然后发送电子邮件,登录到 txt 文件,并在满足某些条件时调用 Web 服务。然后再次开始监控。这些任务是在 Windows 服务中创建的,因此将一直运行。
我希望他们引发事件或通知父类(创建它们),它将执行我上面提到的 3 个操作,而不是任务中的每个对象自己执行。
以及如何控制一次只有一个任务使用该父类的方法。由于涉及电子邮件和 Web 服务调用,因此两个并发请求可能会破坏代码。
这些 Watcher 分为三种类型,每种都实现了以下接口。
public interface IWatcher
void BeginWatch();
//this watcher is responsible for watching over a sql query result
public class DBWatcher : IWatcher
void BeginWatch()
//Here a timer is created which contiously checks the SQL query result.
//And would Call SERVICE, send an EMAIL and LOG into a file
Timer watchIterator = new Timer(this._intervalMinutes * 60000);
watchIterator.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(_watchIterator_Elapsed);
void _watchIterator_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
//1. Check Query result
//3. Call SERVICE, send an EMAIL and LOG into a file if result is not as was expected
//I have done the work to this part!
//And I can do the functions as follows .. it should be simple.
//But I want the above three methods to be present in one place so i dont have to replicate same functionality in different watcher.
//One approach could be to create a seperate class and wrape the above mentioned functions in it, create an instance of that class here and call them.
//Second option, which I am interested in but dont know how to do, is to have this functionality in the parent class which actually creates the tasks and have each watcher use it from HERE ...
//this watcher is responsible for watching over Folder
public class FolderWatcher : IWatcher
void BeginWatch()
///Same as above
首先,我从 XML 文件创建一个列表。这可以包含多个 DBWatcher 实例,它们将持续观察不同的查询结果,FolderWatcher 将持续观察不同的文件夹。
private void _createWatcherThread(IWatcher wat, CancellationTokenSource cancellationToken)
//This represents a watcher that will watch some specific area for any activities
IWatcher watcher = wat.Copy();
bool hasWatchBegin = false;
//run forever
for (;;)
//dispose the watcher and stop this thread if CANCEL token has been issued
if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
else if (!hasWatchBegin)
//This method of a watcher class creates a timer. which will
//continously check the status after a few minutes... So its the
//timer's elapsed method in Watcher object which will send the mail
//& call service etc to update the admin of current status of the watcher.
//this will be called only once in a watcher!
hasWatchBegin = true;
catch (Exception ex)
//Watcher has thrown an exception.
//Again, do the following operations