我正在寻找一种方法来比较一个 Excel 工作表和另一个工作表。有没有办法比较整个记录,而不考虑记录的顺序?


1 回答 1



Private Sub CompareSheets()
Dim first_index As Integer
Dim last_index As Integer
Dim sheet1 As Worksheet
Dim sheet2 As Worksheet
Dim r1 As Integer
Dim r2 As Integer
Dim found As Boolean

Set sheet1 = Worksheets(1)
Set sheet2 = Worksheets(2)

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

first_index = 1
last_index = sheet1.Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

For r2 = first_index To last_index
    found = False
    For r1 = first_index To last_index
        If sheet1.Cells(r1, 16) = sheet2.Cells(r2, 9) Then
        ' Found match.
            found = True
            Exit For
        End If
    Next r1

    If Not found Then
        ' Do something if the if we did not find it???
    End If
Next r2

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
于 2013-05-09T14:22:00.803 回答