
private string id = "username";


public void getID() {return id;}

Staff 和 Student 都有 getID() 方法。网关必须检查方法 getID() 是否由Staff( return id) 或Student( return "Go away!") 请求。谁能帮我解决这个问题。我正在考虑Gateway用作Database类的接口,但因为我只是想学习 C#,所以我真的不知道该怎么做。或者也许有更好的方法来做到这一点......请帮助谢谢


public class Staff : Person

    public Staff() {}
    public Staff(string id): base(id) {}
    public override string getName()
        throw new NotImplementedException();
    public override void Update(object o)
      Console.WriteLine(id + " notified that {1}", id, o.ToString()); 
    public override void UpdateMessage(object p)
      Console.WriteLine(id + " notified about new message in chat: {1}", id, p.ToString()); 

public class Student : Person
    public Student() {}
    public Student(string id): base(id) {}
    public override string getName()
        throw new NotImplementedException();
    public override void Update(object o) 
     Console.WriteLine(id +"  notified that {1}", id, o.ToString());
    public override void UpdateMessage(object p) 
     Console.WriteLine("Message for " + id + "  {1}", id, p.ToString());

 public abstract class Person : IPerson
    string id;
    public Person() { }
    public abstract string getName();
    public Person(string i) { this.id = i; }
    public abstract void Update(Object o);
    public abstract void UpdateMessage(Object p);

public interface IPerson     
   void Update(Object o);
   void UpdateMessage(Object p);
   string getName();

 class database
     public string username = "username";
     private string name =  "user details";
     private string grade = "user grade";

     public string getName(Object o)
         if (o is Staff) { return name; }
         else { return "Go away!"; }
     public string getgrade() { return grade; }

 public class Gateway
    public void DoSomethingWithPerson(IPerson person)
        string iD = person.getName();
        if (person is Student)
            return "go away!";
        else if (person is Staff)
            return name;

2 回答 2


我会is完全不鼓励链条。它违反了 Liskov。简而言之,这意味着很难在IPerson不修改Gateway以应对新类型的情况下添加新实现。或者它迫使开发人员从现有类型之一下降来实现一个新的IPerson,在这种情况下,接口与抽象Person类型相比有什么意义?

public class Gateway
 public string DoSomethingWithPerson(IPerson person)
    return person.DoSomething();

//then IPerson implementors like Student can provide the custom behaviour.
public class Student : Person
  public string DoSomething()
      return "Go Away!";
于 2013-05-09T12:56:58.777 回答


public class Gateway
    public void DoSomethingWithPerson(IPerson person)
        string id = person.getID();
        if (person is Student)
            // do stuff for student, even cast is possible (Student) person
        else if (person is Staff)
            // do stuff for staff, even cast is possible (Staff) person

上面的代码假设getID()返回字符串 id (public void getID()在这个答案的那一刻你处于问题的状态)。

关于 is 关键字的注释


if (person is Person)
else if (person is Student)
    // do student stuff

Student当您传递一个实例时,永远不会“做学生的事情” ,因为对于因为extendsperson is Person的任何实例都是如此。为了克服这个问题,在更抽象的检查之前使用具体的类型检查:StudentStudentPerson

if (person is Student)
    // do student stuff
else if (person is Person)
于 2013-05-09T11:10:17.370 回答