
我正在尝试使用 VB 脚本将 WinCC Flex 的某些变量的数据记录到 Excel 文件中。我在西门子论坛上搜索并根据我的需要得到了一个脚本。但是在 WinCC Flex 中执行脚本时出错。


Dim wsh, XLSrunning, TargetBookrunning, objExcelApp, objWorkbook, TheTargetBook,    TheTargetBookName
Dim TheCount
Dim objFSO
Const OverwriteExisting = 1

Set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    TheTargetBookName = "report.xls"
    TheTargetBook = "D:\Out\" & TheTargetBookName

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not objFSO.FileExists(TheTargetBook) Then
       objFSO.CopyFile "D:\Out\Template.xls", TheTargetBook, OverwriteExisting
       'HMIRuntime.Trace "The file," & TheTargetBook & ", does not exist." & vbCrLf & "I've just created one for you!"
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing    


TheCount = GetObject("winmgmts:root\CIMV2").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name='EXCEL.EXE'").Count   
'While TheCount is bigger than 0, it means the Excel Application is running..., but doesn't mean the workbook is open for sure!

If TheCount > 0 Then
   Set objExcelApp = GetObject(,"Excel.Application")
                 ' Using GetObject(,"Excel.Application") to point to the running Excel Application.

       TargetBookrunning = 0  
       For Each XLSrunning In objExcelApp.Workbooks
           If XLSrunning.name = TheTargetBookName Then
              TargetBookrunning = 1
           End If
       If TargetBookrunning = 1 Then
          Set objWorkbook = GetObject(TheTargetBook)
          Set objWorkbook = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(TheTargetBook)
       End If

  Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
  Set objWorkbook = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(TheTargetBook)

End If

      objExcelApp.Visible = True
      objExcelApp.ScreenUpdating = True
      objExcelApp.DisplayAlerts = True

      Dim TheTargetRow       ' <------[Modification#2]-------
      With objWorkbook.ActiveSheet

        TheTargetRow = .Cells(65535, 2).End(-4162).Row
                .cells(TheTargetRow + 1, 2) = SmartTags("Tag_1")
                .cells(TheTargetRow + 1, 3) = SmartTags("Tag_2")
                .cells(TheTargetRow + 1, 4) = SmartTags("Tag_3")         

      End With 

  Set objWorkbook = Nothing
  Set objExcelApp = Nothing
  'MsgBox "Done"

Set wsh = Nothing   


 TheTargetRow = .Cells(65535, 2).End(-4162).Row



1 回答 1


您显示的代码大部分是正确的,但实际上该行中的问题与 WINCC 环境中的 VBScript 接口的实现有关。

如果您创建了一个名为“theSheet”的新变量来保存对 Excel 工作表的引用,您仍然可以避免 WinCC 中的语法检查问题。

这种方式将允许您从它访问它的 Cells 对象,但在我看来,没有一种明显的方法可以直接返回“.End(xlUp).Row”属性的值。


Dim wsh, XLSrunning, TargetBookrunning, objExcelApp, objWorkbook, TheTargetBook, TheTargetBookName
Dim TheCount, theSheet, theCell, theLastCell,  theLastRow
Dim objFSO
Const OverwriteExisting = 1

Set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    'TheTargetBookName = "report.xls"
    'TheTargetBook = "D:\Out\" & TheTargetBookName

    TheTargetBookName = "report.xls"
    TheTargetBook = "f:\work\plc\" & TheTargetBookName
    TheTargetBookName = "c:\" & TheTargetBookName

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not objFSO.FileExists(TheTargetBook) Then
       objFSO.CopyFile TheTargetBookName, TheTargetBook, OverwriteExisting
       'HMIRuntime.Trace "The file," & TheTargetBook & ", does not exist." & vbCrLf & "I've just created one for you!"
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing    


TheCount = GetObject("winmgmts:root\CIMV2").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name='EXCEL.EXE'").Count   
'While TheCount is bigger than 0, it means the Excel Application is running..., but doesn't mean the workbook is open for sure!

If TheCount > 0 Then
   Set objExcelApp = GetObject(,"Excel.Application")
                 ' Using GetObject(,"Excel.Application") to point to the running Excel Application.

       TargetBookrunning = 0  
       For Each XLSrunning In objExcelApp.Workbooks
           If XLSrunning.name = TheTargetBookName Then
              TargetBookrunning = 1
           End If
       If TargetBookrunning = 1 Then
          Set objWorkbook = GetObject(TheTargetBook)
          Set objWorkbook = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(TheTargetBook)
       End If

  Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
  Set objWorkbook = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(TheTargetBook)

End If

      objExcelApp.Visible = True
      objExcelApp.ScreenUpdating = True
      objExcelApp.DisplayAlerts = True

      Dim TheTargetRow       ' <------[Modification#2]-------
      Set theSheet = objWorkbook.ActiveSheet
      With theSheet
        Set theCell = theSheet.Cells(65535,2)
        Set theLastCell  = theCell.end(-4162)
        theLastRow = theLastCell.row
        .cells(theLastRow + 1, 1) = formatdatetime( now,vbShortDate) & ", " & formatdatetime( now,vbLongTime)
        .cells(theLastRow + 1, 2) = SmartTags("Tag_1")
        .cells(theLastRow + 1, 3) = SmartTags("Tag_2")
        .cells(theLastRow + 1, 4) = SmartTags("Tag_3")         
      End With 

  Set objWorkbook = Nothing
  Set objExcelApp = Nothing
  'MsgBox "Done"

Set wsh = Nothing 
于 2013-05-10T10:43:06.983 回答