我使用 Python 2.6。
我的代码可以在这里编辑和运行:http: //www.codeskulptor.org/#user12_OQL53Z5Es8yDHRB.py
# set the arguments
teams = 4
rounds = 2 * (teams - 1)
# show the arguments
print teams, "teams"
print rounds, "rounds"
# season is a list of lists
# each sub list is a round
season = rounds*["round"]
# store the first round in season[0]
round = range(1, teams + 1)
season[0] = round[:]
# store the other rounds in season
for j in range(1, rounds):
round2 = round[:]
round2[1] = round[teams - 1]
for i in range(2, teams):
round2[i] = round[i - 1]
season[j] = round2[:]
round = round2
# print the season
print season
如果有 4 支球队并且每个人每支球队打两次,我想要这个最终结果:[1,2,3,4],[1,4,2,3],[1,3,4,2],[1, 2、3、4]、[1、4、2、3]、[1、3、4、2]]。第 1 队留在原地,其他队轮换。每个团队向右移动一个位置,除了团队 1 和列表中最后一个移动到团队 1 旁边的位置的团队。
我相信上面的代码有效。我是 Python 的新手,所以我正在寻找更好或更优雅的代码。