给定一个加权无向图 G(V,E),以及 V 的一个集合 S 子集,找到跨越 S 中节点的最小成本树。这个问题在文献中被称为施泰纳树问题。这个问题是NP完全的,这意味着没有已知的多项式算法可以找到问题的精确解。但是,有些算法可以在指数时间内解决 Steiner 问题(O(2^N) 或 O(2^M))。
Find the Shortest path tree from one participant node to the rest of the graph.
Prune the parts of the tree that do not lead to a participant.
复杂度 O(N^2),CR = O(M)。
贪心或最近参与者优先算法。(Takahashi,Matsuyama 1980)从一个参与者开始。
Find the participant that is closest to the current tree.
Join the closest participant to the closest part of the tree.
Repeat until you have connected all nodes.
复杂度 O(MN^2),CR = O(1),实际上 CR <= 2。
Kou、Markowsky 和 Berman 算法(KMB 1981)。
1. Find the complete distance graph G'
(G' has V' = S , and for each pair of nodes (u,v) in VxV there is an edge with weight equal to the weight of the min-cost path between these nodes p_(u,v) in G)
2. Find a minimum spanning tree T' in G'
3. Translate tree T' to the graph G: substitute every edge of T', which is an edge of G' with the corresponding path of G. Let us call T the result of the translation.
4. Remove any possible cycles from T.
复杂度 O(MN^2),CR = O(1),实际上 CR <= 2。