我有Class创建进度条。但我的问题是,我不想Application.DoEvents()只显示实际事件。我还观察到,填充记录会消耗大量时间Application.DoEvents()Threading但我无法理解它是如何工作的,以及如何在我的 created 上实现它Class。谁能帮我这样做。


class LoadProgressBar
    public ProgressBar pBar = null;
    public Label lblProgress = null;
    public Label lblTitle = null;

    public Form createProgressBar(int maxValue)
        //create form
        Form pForm = new Form();
        pForm.Size = new Size(260, 70);
        pForm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
        pForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
        pForm.TopMost = true;
        pForm.ShowInTaskbar = false;

        //create label control
        this.lblTitle = new Label();
        this.lblTitle.Location = new Point(5, 5);
        this.lblTitle.Size = new Size(250, 20);
        this.lblTitle.Text = "Processing";

        //create progress bar control
        this.pBar = new ProgressBar();
        this.pBar.Size = new Size(250, 20);
        this.pBar.Maximum = maxValue;
        this.pBar.Minimum = 0;
        this.pBar.Location = new Point(5, 25);

        //create label control
        this.lblProgress = new Label();
        this.lblProgress.Size = new Size(250, 15);
        this.lblProgress.Location = new Point(5, 50);

        //add controls on form

        return pForm;

    public void overrideMaxValue(int maxValue)
        this.pBar.Maximum = maxValue;

    public void upldateProgress(int step, string caption)
        if (this.pBar.Value + step <= this.pBar.Maximum)
            this.pBar.Value += step;
        this.lblProgress.Text = caption;


//Main Sub

static void Main()
    //create instance of progressbar class
    LoadProgressBar progBar = new LoadProgressBar();

    //create form for progress bar
    Form loadBar = progBar.createProgressBar(0);

    List<MasterList> empList = new List<MasterList>();

    loadBar.Show(); //show progressbar

    progBar.upldateProgress(0, "Reading File Content..."); //update current progress state

    empList = readFileContent(); //get the data on csv file

    //populate content
    foreach (MasterList empInfo in empList)
        progBar.upldateProgress(1, "Populating : " + empInfo.EmpNo); //update current progress state

        list = lvList.Items.Add(empInfo.EmpNo);


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