try {
images_object = new JSONObject(imageList);//imageList is a String of the above array //of key value pairs
Iterator<?> keys = images_object.keys();
String string_images = "";
if(keys.hasNext()) {
String key = (String)keys.next();
String value = (String)images_object.get(key);
string_images = "[" + value;
while( keys.hasNext() ){
String key = (String)keys.next();
String value = (String)images_object.get(key);
string_images = string_images + "," + value;
string_images = string_images + "]";
String encoded_json_string = JSONObject.quote(string_images);
images = new JSONArray(encoded_json_string);//images is of type JSONArray but it is null
} catch (JSONException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
但是,图像,是 NULL。为什么?我错过了什么?