几个星期以来,我们一直在解决一个之前在 SO 上讨论过的问题,但在我们遇到的具体案例中没有一个可行的答案。因此,在重新阅读了数十个线程并尝试了人们提供的所有代码之后,我请求您的帮助。(顺便说一句,别再问三星了:事实证明他们帮不上忙。)
操作系统:4.0.x 到 4.2.x(API lvls 14 - 17)
设备:具有 /storage/sdcard0 的三星 S3(我们测试的所有设备都可以。)
...而不是旧的/mnt/sdcard或/storage/sdcard (注意缺少尾随零)。
// e.g .getPath() .getName() etc.
// or
Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory() ...
或使用媒体 URI 通知系统文件位置。(令人震惊的是,这也失败了。)
现在保存一个文件 - 您会看到它显示在 DDMS 文件资源管理器中。你可以通过亚行拉取它来验证。但只需尝试重新读取相同的文件 - 使用您最初编写它的同一个应用程序!ENOENT - 未找到文件。硬编码路径,将 '/external_sd/' 附加到上面 os 调用给出的路径(Sumsung 说这是需要的 - 但它不会蹲下。)
USB 电缆连接与否,调试模式与否,“真实应用程序”与开发人员应用程序(不受信任的应用程序) - 结果都一样:ENOENT)
(手里拿着一把大锤,全神贯注地盯着一个新的 SG3……而且,三星,如果你正在阅读这个:“/storage/sdcard0/external_sd/myFileFoo.txt”不起作用。)
* [Edit - added sample of failing code, as requested]
public void testFile () {
ImageView image ;
String m_Path = "/SamsuxS3/" ; // more fun than a barrel of NULLs
String m_MyFile = "myFileFoo.jpg" ;
image = (ImageView) findViewById ( R.id.imageView1 ) ;
//// Test 0:
m_Path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() ;
//// Test 1:
// String getPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath(); // fails
// m_Path = getPath ;
//// Test 2:
// String getName = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getName() ; //fails
// m_Path = getName ;
//// Test 3:
// String defPics = Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES; // fails
// m_Path = m_path + "/" + defPics + "/" ;
//// Test 4:
// m_Path = "/storage/sdcard0/" ; // fails
//// Test 5:
// m_Path = "/storage/sdcard0/external_sd/" // Samsung says so, but it fails too.
//// Test 6: now we're really hacking ...
// m_Path = "/storage/sdcard/" // Fails (although sdcard is mounted as sdcard0 - hmmm)
InputStream fIn = null;
File fileIn = new File(m_Path, m_MyFile);
try { //// This is only one way many attempts...
//// 1) just grab an image from a known resource,
//// 2) try to save it,
//// 3) then read it back into an ImageView.
//// External storage must be mounted or this fails.
InputStream is = getResources().openRawResource(R.drawable.somepicture) ; // works
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(fileIn); // OK
byte[] data = new byte[is.available()]; // OK
is.read(data); // OK
os.write(data); // OK - DDMS file explorer verfied
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.d("Error writing to " + m_Path, e.toString()); // never happened yet
//// now we step into the SamDung
InputStream fIn2 = null; //// Well, it's redundant but ...
File fileIn2 = new File(m_Path, m_MyFile);
try {
fIn2 = new FileInputStream (fileIn2) ;
// Here be the Dragons...
// Next line WORKS on every device EXCEPT a Samsung - blows up w/ ENOENT !
image.setImageBitmap ( BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fIn2) );
fIn2.close ();
} catch (Exception IOError) {
Log.d("WTF? I'm not moving to Korea: ", IOError.toString()) ;