Here's the code:
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<STATbatter> completelist = new List<STATbatter>();
DALbatter batter = new DALbatter();
batter.NameLast = txtLastName.Text;
DataTable batters = DALbatter.getBattersByLastName(batter);
for (int i = 0; i < batters.Rows.Count; i++)
DataRow bat = batters.Rows[i];
STATbatter stat = new STATbatter();
stat.PlayerID = bat.Field<String>("playerID");
stat.G = bat.Field<Int32>("G");
stat.Ab = bat.Field<Int32>("AB");
stat.H = bat.Field<Int32>("H");
stat.Bb = bat.Field<Int32>("BB");
stat.Cs = bat.Field<Int32>("CS");
stat.Doub = bat.Field<Int32>("2B");
stat.Trip = bat.Field<Int32>("3B");
stat.Hr = bat.Field<Int32>("HR");
stat.Rbi = bat.Field<Int32>("RBI");
stat.Sb = bat.Field<Int32>("SB");
stat.K = bat.Field<Int32>("SO");
stat.Ibb = bat.Field<Int32>("IBB");
stat.Hbp = bat.Field<Int32>("HBP");
stat.Sh = bat.Field<Int32>("SH");
stat.Sf = bat.Field<Int32>("SF");
stat.Gidp = bat.Field<Int32>("GIDP");
//calculated fields
stat.NameFull = STATbatter.fullName(bat.Field<String>("nameLast"), bat.Field<String>("nameFirst"));
stat.Avg = STATbatter.battingAverage(stat.H, stat.Ab);
stat.Obp = STATbatter.onBasePercentage(stat.Ab, stat.H, stat.Bb, stat.Hbp, stat.Sf);
stat.Slg = STATbatter.slugging(stat.H, stat.Doub, stat.Trip, stat.Hr, stat.Ab);
gvBatters.DataSource = completelist;
Here's the problem:
I attached an mdf file to the project in the App_Data file, created a connection string to use the local mdf. it was working just fine. I took the project to another PC, and on the line:
stat.Cs = bat.Field<Int32>("CS");
I get
Cannot cast DBNull.Value to type 'System.Int32'. Please use a nullable type.
not sure why this worked perfectly on the other PC, but nonetheless, how can I prevent this error?