So as part of a larger script I'm working on I have to send an email with results Whenever I use a number in the Subject field not only is the number not send BUT the mailmessage is never sent and no error message appears. I used try / catch even for haha's but there are not errors to be caught, it's quite perplexing. Anyone else ever run into this problem? If I use alphabetical characters it functions fine, but numbers seem to cause issues :-/

Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer("mailserver.fakecorp.com") -From("Nagios.Monitor@fakecorp.com") -To("Adamk@fakecorp.com") -Subject("30") -Body("$arrProbURLs")

1 回答 1


显然这是我的电子邮件误报。我从隔间的电脑上试了试,它奏效了。我的电子邮件的东西。好的 powershell 不是问题:) 我认为那会很奇怪!感谢您的快速回复!

于 2013-05-08T18:59:12.250 回答