

q1 = 1   | q2 = 3.2 | q3 = 5.6
q1 = 1.8 | q3 = 2.1 | q5 = 1.4


我想遍历每个单元格,通过管道 (|) 分隔符分解(使用 PHP 术语),然后通过 = 符号再次执行此操作。



q1 [ 1,1.8 ],
q2 [ 3.2 ],
q3 [ 5.6,2.1]....] 

最终目标是我想获得 q1、q2 和 q3 的平均值、平均值和中位数。

这在VB中可行吗?我更熟悉 PHP,但想将其保留在 Excel 中。



2 回答 2


这将处理任意数量的“键”(q1、q2 等)

Sub Tester()

'needs a reference to microsoft scripting runtime
Dim d As New Scripting.dictionary

Dim c As Range
Dim arrP, arrE
Dim q, v, tmpV, tmpP, tmpArr, uB
Dim i As Long, n As Long
Dim k

    For Each c In Selection.Cells
        tmpV = Trim(c.Value)

        If InStr(tmpV, "=") > 0 Then
            arrP = Split(tmpV, "|") 'split on pipe

            For i = LBound(arrP) To UBound(arrP)
                tmpP = arrP(i)

                If InStr(tmpP, "=") > 0 Then
                    q = Trim(Split(tmpP, "=")(0))
                    v = Trim(Split(tmpP, "=")(1))

                    If IsNumeric(v) Then
                        If Not d.exists(q) Then
                            d.Add q, Array(v)
                            tmpArr = d(q) 'get dict value into temp array
                            uB = UBound(tmpArr) + 1
                            ReDim Preserve tmpArr(0 To uB) 'extend array
                            tmpArr(uB) = v
                            d(q) = tmpArr 'put back into dict
                        End If
                    End If
                End If

        End If 'cell has at least one "="

    Next c

    'dump the dictionary to the immediate pane
    For Each k In d.keys
        Debug.Print k, Join(d(k), ",")
    Next k

End Sub
于 2013-05-08T22:11:08.027 回答

这很复杂,但可以做到。我根据您的单元格输入在 excel 中对此进行了测试,将它们放在 A1 和 A2 中:

q1 = 1   | q2 = 3.2 | q3 = 5.6
q1 = 1.8 | q3 = 2.1 | q5 = 1.4

我在 Excel 中放置了一个名为“Looper”的宏,它使用两个循环循环遍历 A 列中的单元格,将它们拆分为“|” 并搜索每个数字值,将其转换为双精度并将其放入相应的数组中。

Private Sub Looper()

''Loop Variables
Dim i, k As Integer
Dim MoveDown As String

''Variables to manipulate the string
Dim Selecter As String
Dim TotalCell As String
Dim Splitter As Variant
Dim strIncrement As String

''Array variables and counters
Dim q1(50) As Double
Dim q2(50) As Double
Dim q3(50) As Double
Dim qv1, qv2, qv3 As Integer

''Variables for finding the number in each increment
Dim Equals As Integer
Dim strNumber As String
Dim dblNumber As Double

''Set the array counters to 0
qv1 = 0
qv2 = 0
qv3 = 0

i = 0

Do Until MoveDown = "DONE"
    Selector = "A" + Replace(Str(i), " ", "")
    If Range(Selector).Value = "" Then
        MoveDown = "DONE"
        TotalCell = Range(Selector).Value
        Splitter = Split(TotalCell, "|")
        For k = LBound(Splitter) To UBound(Splitter)
            ''strIncrement holds the data in between each |
            strIncrement = Splitter(k)
            ''Remove any spaces
            strIncrement = Replace(strIncrement, " ", "")
            ''Equals shows the location of the number (length of string - loc of =)
            Equals = Len(strIncrement) - InStr(1, strIncrement, "=")
            strNumber = Right(strIncrement, Equals)
            dblNumber = CDbl(strNumber)
            ''Check for the array name and then add the data to the corresponding array
            If InStr(1, strIncrement, "q1") > 0 Then
                q1(qv1) = dblNumber
                qv1 = qv1 + 1
                If InStr(1, strIncrement, "q2") > 0 Then
                    q2(qv2) = dblNumber
                    qv2 = qv2 + 1
                    If InStr(1, strIncrement, "q3") > 0 Then
                        q3(qv3) = dblNumber
                        qv3 = qv3 + 1
                    End If
                End If
            End If

    End If
    i = i + 1
End Sub


于 2013-05-08T18:40:08.580 回答