I am using couchapp with CouchDB to store information about connections between nodes. I am trying to save an array of json data. If the number of items in the array is less than 2000, everything works fine. Unfortunately, bigger amounts of data cause errors:
POST http://localhost:5984/graph_project/ jquery.js:8240
send jquery.js:8240
jQuery.extend.ajax jquery.js:7719
saveDoc jquery.couch.js:627
writeJSONtoDb main.js:185
CSVArrayToJson main.js:335
(anonymous function)
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'error' of null jquery.couch.js:649
$.ajax.complete jquery.couch.js:649
fire jquery.js:1075
self.fireWith jquery.js:1193
done jquery.js:7553
and only part of the data is saved correctly.
The code looks like this:
function writeJSONtoDb(dataToSave) {
db = $.couch.db(DATABASE_NAME);
for(var i in dataToSave){
db.saveDoc(dataToSave[i], {
success: function(data) {
console.log("node added succesfully");
error: function(data){
console.log("Problem with data" + data);
Where is the problem? Does CouchDB contain any buffer which may be overfilled?