我想知道是否可以检查我的 DOM 是否包含元素 ID。实际上我动态加载我的模板(剑道模板)并将它们附加到我的身体中。
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="test-view">
//Creates a gloabl object called templateLoader with a single method "loadExtTemplate"
var templateLoader = (function ($, host) {
//Loads external templates from path and injects in to page DOM
return {
//Method: loadExtTemplate
//Params: (string) path: the relative path to a file that contains template definition(s)
loadExtTemplate: function (path) {
//Use jQuery Ajax to fetch the template file
var tmplLoader = $.get(path)
.success(function (result) {
//On success, Add templates to DOM (assumes file only has template definitions)
var regSplit = new RegExp("[/\]+", "g");
var pathTab = path.split(regSplit);
var templateName = pathTab[pathTab.length - 1];
var regReplace = new RegExp("[.]+", "g");
var templateName = templateName.replace(regReplace, "-");
var s = $("<script type=\"text/x-kendo-template\" id=\"" + templateName + "\">" + result + "</script>");
.error(function (result) {
alert("Error Loading Templates -- TODO: Better Error Handling");
tmplLoader.complete(function () {
//Publish an event that indicates when a template is done loading
$(host).trigger("TEMPLATE_LOADED", [path]);
})(jQuery, document);
在加载我的模板之前,我需要检查这个模板是否已经加载。我需要检查是否存在 id="test-view" 的脚本。我怎样才能做到这一点?