i´am using keyframes to animate the Feature Slider of the website.

Carousel is working fine. Animations as well except with IE10.

Keyframne - This will determine the movement of down to up.

@-webkit-keyframes downup { from  { opacity:0; top:500px;}to {top:0;opacity:.9;}}
@-moz-keyframes downup { from  { opacity:0; top:500px;}to{top:0;opacity:.9;}} 
@keyframes downup{ from  { opacity:0; top:500px;}to {top:0;opacity:.9;}}

.updown {
position: relative; 
animation:downup 1s forwards;
-webkit-animation:mymove 1s forwards;
-moz-animation:mymove 1s forwards;}

IE10 shows the firsts 4 content in the loop but when he starts again at first slides de info .updown are not showed. You can check the slider under constrution here: http://ndsim.esec.pt/nova/index.html

Any help would be awesome thanks.


its working now. i ´had some bootstrap conflict class´s… separated them and now its working.. was making like this

<div id=”myCarousel” class=”carousel slide fade-in one”&gt;

and changed to

<div id=”myCarousel” class=”carousel slide”&gt;
<div class=”fade-in one”&gt;

dunno what happened for sure but was some sort of IE conflict.


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