我在 Internet 上找到了这种方法,并认为它可以在我的代码中使用,因为我有很多页面要格式化并且需要大量时间:

Public Sub PageSetupXL4M(Optional LeftHead As String, Optional CenterHead As String,  Optional RightHead As String, _
Optional LeftFoot As String, Optional CenterFoot As String, Optional RightFoot As String, Optional LeftMarginInches As String, _
Optional RightMarginInches As String, Optional TopMarginInches As String, Optional BottomMarginInches As String, _
Optional HeaderMarginInches As String, Optional FooterMarginInches As String, Optional PrintHeadings As String, _
Optional PrintGridlines As String, Optional PrintComments As String, Optional PrintQuality As String, Optional CenterHorizontally As String, _
Optional CenterVertically As String, Optional Orientation As String, Optional Draft As String, Optional PaperSize As String, _
Optional FirstPageNumber As String, Optional Order As String, Optional BlackAndWhite As String, Optional Zoom As String)

Const c As String = ","
Dim pgSetup As String
Dim head As String
Dim foot As String

If LeftHead <> "" Then head = "&L" & LeftHead
If CenterHead <> "" Then head = head & "&C" & CenterHead
If RightHead <> "" Then head = head & "&R" & RightHead
If Not head = "" Then head = """" & head & """"
If LeftFoot <> "" Then foot = "&L" & LeftFoot
If CenterFoot <> "" Then foot = foot & "&C" & CenterFoot
If RightFoot <> "" Then foot = foot & "&R" & RightFoot
If Not foot = "" Then foot = """" & foot & """"

pgSetup = "PAGE.SETUP(" & head & c & foot & c & _
  LeftMarginInches & c & RightMarginInches & c & _
  TopMarginInches & c & BottomMarginInches & c & _
  PrintHeadings & c & PrintGridlines & c & _
  CenterHorizontally & c & CenterVertically & c & _
  Orientation & c & PaperSize & c & Zoom & c & _
  FirstPageNumber & c & Order & c & BlackAndWhite & c & _
  PrintQuality & c & HeaderMarginInches & c & _
  FooterMarginInches & c & PrintComments & c & Draft & ")"
Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro pgSetup

End Sub

问题是它根本没有格式化页面(也许问题是我使用的是 Excel 2010?)。我在另一段代码中调用 XL4 页面设置:

    Dim Sheets_Select

For Each sheet_select In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

    With sheet_select
        .Cells(1, 1).Font.Bold = True
        .Cells(1, 1).Value = "type-no. " & TypeNo
        .Cells(1, 1).Characters(Start:=1, Length:=17).Font.FontStyle = "Standard"
        .Cells(2, 1).Font.Bold = True
        .Cells(2, 1).Value = "specification point: " & SpecName
        .Cells(2, 1).Characters(Start:=1, Length:=28).Font.FontStyle = "Standard"
    End With

    With sheet_select
        .Rows.RowHeight = 12
        .Columns.ColumnWidth = 3.43
        .Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 8
        .Cells.NumberFormat = "0.0"
        .Cells.Font.Name = "Arial"
        .Cells.Font.Size = 9
        .Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .Columns("A:A").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        .Rows("1:9").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    End With

    '###### L o g o ######
        sheet_select.Cells(2, 27).Select
        sheet_select.Pictures.Insert(apppath + "\Script\logo.bmp").Select
        Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleWidth 0.35, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
        Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleHeight 0.35, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft

    '###### P a g e   S e t u p ######
    PageSetupXL4M Orientation:="""xlLandscape""", LeftMarginInches:="""0.6""", RightMarginInches:="""0.6""", TopMarginInches:="""0.6""", BottomMarginInches:="""1""", HeaderMarginInches:="""0.5""", FooterMarginInches:="""0.5""", PaperSize:="""xlPaperA4"""
    Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro pgSetup
    '.LeftHeader = Header(1, 1)
    '.CenterHeader = Header(1, 2)
    '.RightHeader = Header(1, 3)
    '.LeftFooter = Header(2, 1)
    '.CenterFooter = Header(2, 2)
    '.RightFooter = Header(2, 3)

Next sheet_select

1 回答 1



在 Excel 2010 中,您可以使用普通的 Excel 2010 VBA 打印设置代码以及新功能:

application.printcommunication = false
' PageSetup code here
application.printcommunication = true

这将强制将所有命令一次性发送到打印机,并且您不需要旧的 XL 4 宏方法


于 2013-05-08T10:51:05.390 回答