我是一名 VBA 新手,试图将这两个子程序组合成一个程序 - 谁能提供如何做到这一点?
基本上,我正在尝试将图像添加到 Access 报告中(在第二个代码块中 - 它正在检查/创建图像路径) - 其中已经检查了数据库产品记录中的其他信息。
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Dim x$, y$, i%
x = ""
For i = 1 To 10
y = Me("txtOp" & i) & ""
If y > "" Then
If x > "" Then x = x & " "
x = x & "Option " & i & ": " & y
End If
If x > "" Then x = CR & x
Me.txtProduct = Me.txtItem & "" & x
If Me.Adjustment Then
Me.txtShowSKU = ""
Me.txtShowSKU = Me.txtSKU
End If
Dim x, y, OK%
OK = False
x = Me.txtImage & ""
If x > "" Then
y = getparm("ImagePath")
If y > "" Then
If Right$(y, 1) <> "\" Then y = y & "\"
If Left$(x, 1) = "\" And Len(x) > 1 Then x = Mid$(x, 2)
If FileExists(y & x) Then OK = True: x = y & x
End If
If OK Then
Me.imgProd.visible = True
Me.imgProd.Picture = x
Me.imgProd.visible = False
End If
End If
End Sub