String insertSQL = "INSERT INTO MonthlyReportTable VALUES(NULL,"; //Primary Key.
String PlannetSchemeCode = "";
int ResponcibleAuthorityID = 0;
Statement stmt = ConnectionDetails.getNewConnectionPPARSDB().createStatement();
ResultSet resultsSet = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM planning_scheme");
Statement insideStatement = ConnectionDetails.getNewConnectionPPARSDB().createStatement();
//Loop though each planning scheme and create the data for each field.
while (resultsSet.next())
PlannetSchemeCode = "'" + resultsSet.getString("ps_code") + "'";
//Planning Scheme Primary Key
insertSQL += PlannetSchemeCode + ",";
//Responsible Authority ID
insertSQL += "'" + String.valueOf(
ResponcibleAuthorityID = MySQLUtil.getResults(
"SELECT resp_authority_id " +
"FROM resp_authority_to_ps " +
"WHERE ps_code = " + PlannetSchemeCode
) + "'";
ResultSet insideResultsSet =
"SELECT resp_authority_id " +
"FROM resp_authority_to_ps " +
"WHERE ps_code = " + PlannetSchemeCode
//ERROR HERE, some reason results set is getting set wrong??
//Error here, this current results set is resetting the Results set.
ResponcibleAuthorityID = insideResultsSet.getInt("resp_authority_id");
//Add the rest of the values temporary.
int FeildsAdded = 3;
for(int i = 1 + FeildsAdded; i < 458; i++)
insertSQL += String.valueOf(0) + ",";
//Insert date and end SQL string.
insertSQL += "NOW()";
insertSQL += ")";
//Do Insert in PPARS.
//Reset the SQL String for the new Row.
insertSQL = "INSERT INTO MonthlyReportTable VALUES(NULL,";