我有一个 Perl 脚本,它使用 Image::Magick perl 模块从 Web 表单中裁剪现有图像(使用 JCrop 为我提供宽度、高度、x、y)。因为裁剪后的图像将用于响应式设计环境,所以我正在创建多种尺寸的图像以供网站前端使用。尺寸构建在一个数组中(如下面的代码所示),并逐个处理以创建每个图像尺寸。

正如您将从下面的代码中看到的那样,我最终必须打开图像 3 次并写入 3 次......这似乎有点过分......所以我希望你们知道一个更好的方法来做到这一点。

我最初尝试使用 Image::Magick 简单地打开文件一次,运行“裁剪、调整大小、裁剪”过程,然后写入一次图像,但结果非常糟糕。没有一个坐标被正确翻译,因此图像甚至没有接近用户在网络表单中请求的大小......尽管这些值被完美地读取。

所以我对你们所有人的问题是,是否有人能够完成一次“打开”(对打开的图像进行多次操作),然后使用 Image::Magick perl 模块执行一次“写入”?如果是这样,您能否提供一个与我在下面发布的代码行一样长的示例?我非常感谢可以提供的任何帮助。我的代码片段如下。很抱歉评论过多,我想让它尽可能容易地跟随:)


use Image::Magick;
use CGI qw(:cgi-lib);


# Build array of sizes needed

my @sizes = ("1280","960","640","480","320","160");

foreach $size (@sizes) {
    $resized = "/path/to/size/folders/$size\/$input{image_ID}\.png";

    $image = Image::Magick->new;
    $x = $image->Read("/path/to/fullsize/image");

    # Run the requested crop

    $x = $image->Crop(width=>$input{w},height=>$input{h},x=>$input{x},y=>$input{y});

    # Write cropped version

    $x = $image->Write("$resized");

    # Open the cropped version

    $image = Image::Magick->new;
    $x = $image->Read("$resized");

    # Size the image down to +2 pixels all around
    # to handle border opacity when pixel rounding

    $temp_width = $size + 2;
    $temp_height = ($temp_width * $input{h}) / $input{w};

    # Resize the cropped image

    $x = $image->Resize(width=>$temp_width, height=>$temp_height);

    # Write the newly resized image

    $x = $image->Write("$resized");

    # Calculate final dimensions and coords

    $final_height = ($size * $temp_height) / $temp_width;
    $final_x = 1;
    $final_y = 1;

    # Open the newly resized image

    $image = Image::Magick->new;
    $x = $image->Read("$resized");

    # Final crop the image for clean edges

    $x = $image->Crop(width=>$size,height=>$final_height,x=>$final_x,y=>$final_y);

    # Write the final cropped image for use

    $x = $image->Write("$resized");

2 回答 2



my @sizes = ("1280","960","640","480","320","160");

my $src_image = Image::Magick->new;
$x = $src_image->Read("/path/to/fullsize/image");

# Run the requested crop

$x = $src_image->Crop(width=>$input{w},height=>$input{h},x=>$input{x},y=>$input{y});

foreach $size (@sizes) {
    my $image = $src_image->Clone;

    $resized = "/path/to/size/folders/$size\/$input{image_ID}\.png";

    # Size the image down to +2 pixels all around
    # to handle border opacity when pixel rounding

    $temp_width = $size + 2;
    $temp_height = ($temp_width * $input{h}) / $input{w};

    # Resize the cropped image

    $x = $image->Resize(width=>$temp_width, height=>$temp_height);

    # Calculate final dimensions and coords

    $final_height = ($size * $temp_height) / $temp_width;
    $final_x = 1;
    $final_y = 1;

    # Final crop the image for clean edges

    $x = $image->Crop(width=>$size,height=>$final_height,x=>$final_x,y=>$final_y);

    # Write the final cropped image for use

    $x = $image->Write("$resized");
于 2013-05-07T22:34:19.903 回答


my $imageName = 'picture';
my $file = "tmp/original.jpg";

# Create the image object
my $imageFile = Image::Resize->new($file);

# Resize and save one...
my $image = $imageFile->resize(800, 450);
open(FH, ">$siteroot/user_pics/$imageName\_800x450.jpg");
print FH $image->jpeg();

# Resize and save another...
my $thumb = $imageFile->resize(224, 126);
open(FH, ">$siteroot/user_pics/$imageName\_224x126.jpg");
print FH $thumb->jpeg();

# etc...

unlink ("tmp/original.jpg");
于 2017-04-27T22:34:44.230 回答