我正在使用 SWI Prolog 学习 Prolog,我对 Prolog 中2-3 字典的实现如何工作有一些疑问。

我知道2-3 字典的理论是树,其内部节点可以生成 2 或 3 个具有以下属性的子树:




  • 如果内部节点有 2 个子树,则该内部节点中的标签包含其 RIGHT SUBTREE 的 MINIMAL ELEMENT(因此,如果我正在搜索小于标签的项目 X,则我确定它在左子树中)
  • 如果内部节点有 3 个子树,则该内部节点中的标签包含 2 个值:M2 和 M3,其中 M1 是存在于中心子树中的最小值,而 M3 是作为右子树的最小值


插入更复杂,我已经理解它的理论,但我对 Prolog 的解释有一些问题。

这是我的程序(取自 Ivan Bratko 的书:人工智能编程):

/* in(Item, Tree) predicate is TRUE if the searched Item is in the specified Tree */

% BASE CASE: Item found in a leaf, so end
in(Item, l(Item)).  

/* CASE 1: I am searching Item in an internal node having a single label value
           so this internal node have 2 subtrees
in(Item, n2(T1,M,T2)) :- gt(M,Item), % IF M label value lexicographically follows the searched Item value
                         in(Item,T1)    % THEN search Item in the left subtree
                         ;      % (; is an OR)
                         in(Item,T2).   % Otherwise search Item in the right subtree

/* CASE 2: I am searching Intem in an internal node having 2 label values so this
           internal node have 3 subtrees

in(Item, n3(T1,M2,T2,M3,T3)) :- gt(M2,Item), % IF M2 label value lexicographically follows the searched Item value
                                in(Item,T1) % THEN search Item in the left subtree
                                ;       % (; is an OR)
                                /* IF M3 label value lexicographically follows the searched Item value 
                                   BUT this is NOT TRUE that M2>Item
                                in(Item,T2) % THEN search Item in the central subtree
                                ;       % (; is an OR)
                                in(Item,T3).    % ELSE (it is TRUE that Item>M3) search in the right subtree 


% Insertion in the 2-3 dictionary

/* Add X to Tree giving Tree1
   CASE 1: After the insertion of X into Tree, Tree1 does not grow upwards (so it means that an internal nodes 
           having 2 subtrees child, now have 3 subtrees child, so the original tree has grown in width)
add23(Tree, X, Tree1) :- ins(Tree, X, Tree1).                    

/* CASE 2: Tree grows upwards: It means that  if after the insertion of X the height of the new tree is 
           increased so the ins/5 predicate determines the two subtrees T1 and T2 which are then combined
           into a bigger tree    
add23(Tree, X, n2( T1, M2, T2)) :- ins(Tree, X, T1, M2, T2).

del23(Tree, X, Tree1) :- add23(Tree1, X, Tree).    % Delete X from Tree giving Tree1

/* BASE CASE: Inserting the X item into a voil (nil) tree means to obtain a tree 
              consisting of the single new leaf l(X)
ins(nil, X, l(X)).

/* BASE CASES: related to inserting a new item X into a tree composed by 
               a single leaf
ins(l(A), X, l(A), X, l(X)) :- gt(X, A).

ins(l(A), X, l(X), A, l(A)) :- gt(A, X).

/* Tree = n2(T1, M , T2) so Tree is a tree having 2 subtrees T1 and T2

   IF it is TRUE that M>X (the minimal element in T2 is > the new X item)
   I have to insert X in the LEFT subtrees (into T1 that becomes NT1 and
   now have 2 leaves)
ins(n2(T1, M , T2), X, n2(NT1, M, T2)) :- gt(M, X),
                                          ins(T1, X, NT1).

/* Tree = n2(T1, M , T2) so Tree is a tree having 2 subtrees T1 and T2

   IF it is TRUE that M>X (the minimal element in T2 is > the new X item) and
   IF I can insert 
ins(n2(T1, M, T2), X, n3(NT1a, Mb, NT1b, M, T2)) :- gt(M, X),
                                                    ins(T1, X, NT1a, Mb, NT1b).

ins(n2(T1, M, T2), X, n2(T1, M, NT2)) :- gt(X, M),
                                         ins(T2, X, NT2).

ins( n2( T1, M, T2), X, n3( T1, M, NT2a, Mb, NT2b))  :-
   gt( X, M),
   ins( T2, X, NT2a, Mb, NT2b).

ins( n3( T1, M2, T2, M3, T3), X, n3( NT1, M2, T2, M3, T3))  :-
   gt( M2, X),
   ins( T1, X, NT1).

/* Tree = n3(T1, M2, T2, M3, T3) so Tree is a tree having 3 subtree: T1,T2 and T2
   and the ROOT of Tree is the node (M2,M3)

   M2: MINIMAL ELEMENT of T2 subtree
   M3: MINIMAL ELEMENT of T3 subtree

   If I had the item X then Tree have to grow in height

   IF it is TRUE that M2 > X I could try to insert the X item into T1 subtree
   IF it is TRUE that X is added in T1 and T1 is splitted in NT1a and NT1b having root Mb

   so the new tree is: n2(NT1a, Mb, NT1b), M2, n2(T2, M3, T3)

ins(n3(T1, M2, T2, M3, T3), X, n2(NT1a, Mb, NT1b), M2, n2(T2, M3, T3)) :-
                    gt(M2, X),
                    ins(T1, X, NT1a, Mb, NT1b).

ins(n3(T1, M2, T2, M3, T3), X, n3(T1, M2, NT2, M3, T3)) :-
   gt(X, M2), gt(M3, X),
   ins(T2, X, NT2).

ins( n3( T1, M2, T2, M3, T3), X, n2( T1, M2, NT2a), Mb, n2( NT2b, M3, T3)) :-
   gt( X, M2), gt( M3, X),
   ins( T2, X, NT2a, Mb, NT2b).

ins( n3( T1, M2, T2, M3, T3), X, n3( T1, M2, T2, M3, NT3))  :-
   gt( X, M3),
   ins( T3, X, NT3).

ins( n3( T1, M2, T2, M3, T3), X, n2( T1, M2, T2), M3, n2( NT3a, Mb, NT3b))  :-
   gt( X, M3),
   ins( T3, X, NT3a, Mb, NT3b).


  • l(X) rappresent 一个存在于我的树中的项目
  • n2(T1,M,T2)表示具有 2 个子树 T1 和 T2 的树,其中 M 是 T2 中的最小元素
  • n3(T1,M2,T2,M3,T3)** 表示具有 3 个子树的树:T1,T2,T3 其中 M2 是 T2 中的最小元素,M3 是 T3 中的最小元素


/* Add X to Tree giving Tree1
   CASE 1: After the insertion of X into Tree, Tree1 does not grow upwoards (so it means that an internal nodes 
           having 2 subtrees child, now have 3 subtrees child, so the original tree has grown in width)
add23(Tree, X, Tree1) :- ins(Tree, X, Tree1).                    

/* CASE 2: Tree grows upwards: It meaans that  if after the insertion of X the height of the new tree is 
           increased so the ins/5 predicate determines the two subtrees T1 and T2 wich are then combined
           into a bigger tree    
add23(Tree, X, n2( T1, M2, T2)) :- ins(Tree, X, T1, M2, T2).

正如评论中所写,我认为第一个与新树不会向上生长的情况有关(例如,我有一棵有 2 个子树的树并插入了一个新项目,我正在创建一个新的子树它的叶子在所有其他叶子的同一级别(因此内部节点现在将有 2 个标签)对吗?

所以在逻辑上我可以把它读成:如果ins(Tree, X, Tree1)谓词是 TRUE 那么我将 X 添加到 Tree 生成新 Tree1 ,它与旧 Tree 具有相同的高度但包含 X 项(所以它必须有一个内部节点有 3 个孩子)

第二种情况与我有一棵树的情况有关,我必须在一个已经有 3 个子树的节点中插入一个新项目,所以我必须将旧树拆分为 2 棵树,作为根,两者都作为标签 a单个标签取自旧原始节点的 2 个标签。所以我可以将新项目作为叶子和新树的新根插入。


如果谓词ins(Tree, X, T1, M2, T2)为 TRUE,则意味着谓词为 TRUE:add23(Tree, X, n2( T1, M2, T2))

在这种情况下,我将具有3 个子树的原始树 Tree 拆分为两个不同的树:T1 和 T2,它们作为根有一个节点,该节点具有从原始树的旧根获取的单个最小标签。





ins(n2(T1, M , T2), X, n2(NT1, M, T2)) :- gt(M, X),
                                          ins(T1, X, NT1).

这种情况说我原来的树 Tree是:n2(T1, M , T2)并且我将 X 插入到 Tree 中,这是一棵只有2 个子树的树:T1 和 T2。


因此,如果gt(M, X)为 TRUE,则意味着 M>X,因此这意味着 X 可能是成为NT1的左子树(为什么?这可能取决于旧的 T1 在它的一个中只有 1 个叶子)子树?),所以最后,原始树变成了n2(NT1, M, T2)



ins(n2(T1, M, T2), X, n3(NT1a, Mb, NT1b, M, T2)) :- gt(M, X),
                                                    ins(T1, X, NT1a, Mb, NT1b).

在这种情况下,我说原始树 Tree是:n2(T1, M , T2)并且我将 X 插入到 Tree 中,这是一棵只有2 个子树的树:T1 和 T2。


如果 M>X 为 TRUE,则谓词为 TRUE:ins(T1, X, NT1a, Mb, NT1b)

这意味着我将 T1 拆分为 2 个子树 NT1a 和 NT1b,将第三个子树添加到成为n3(NT1a, Mb, NT1b, M, T2)的原始树中


案例 3:

ins(n3(T1, M2, T2, M3, T3), X, n2(NT1a, Mb, NT1b), M2, n2(T2, M3, T3)) :-
                    gt(M2, X),
                    ins(T1, X, NT1a, Mb, NT1b).

这种情况是原始树 Tree 有 3 个子树,当我必须插入它时,我必须将原始树分成两棵树(n3(T1,M2,T2,M3,T3)和 n2(NT1a,Mb , NT1b)) ,将新项 X 插入这些子树之一,并使用第二个子树的最小元素作为左子树的根作为新树的根(现在高于一个级别)

我的疑问是:在前一种情况下,NewTreen2(NT1a, Mb, NT1b), M2, n2(T2, M3, T3)

所以 M2(右子树的最小元素)是新的根,因为 M2>X 是真的?



1 回答 1


首先,几个风格点。您不需要为n2and设置单独的构造函数n3,因为 arities 会为您处理这些问题。其次,您应该怀疑任何包含削减的谓词,尤其是您在 in/2 中使用的红色削减。进行明确的案例分析通常更好(更快)。此外,如果可以的话,将您的案例比较放在第一个参数中,因为默认情况下该参数已编入索引。

我将 /2 重写为

in(leaf(Item), Item).
in(node(Left, M, Right), Item):-
    compare(Order, Item, M),
    in_2(Order, Item, node(Left, M, Right).
in(node(Left, M1, Mid, M2, Right), Item):-
    compare(Order, Item, M1),
    in_3(Order, Item, node(Left, M1, Mid, M2, Right)).

in_2(<, Item, node(Left, _, _)):-
    in(Left, Item).
in_2(=, Item, node(_, _, Right)):-
    in(Right, Item).
in_2(>, Item, node(_, _, Right)):-
    in(Right, Item).

in_3(<, Item, node(Left, _, _, _, _)):-
    in(Left, Item).
in_3(=, Item, node(_, _, Mid, _, _)):-
    in(Mid, Item).
in_3(>, Item, node(Left, M1, Mid, M2, Right)):-
    compare(Order, Item, M2),
    in_3a(Order, Item, node(Left, M1, Mid, M2, Right)).

in_3a(<, Item, node(_, _, Mid, _, _)):-
    in(Mid, Item).
in_3a(=, Item, node(_, _, _, _, Right)):-
    in(Right, Item).
in_3a(>, Item, node(_, _, _, _, Right)):-
    in(Right, Item).


2-3棵树的一个关键特征是所有的叶子都在相同的深度。这意味着,当您插入一个项目时,您必须遍历树以找到需要插入它的叶子中的哪个位置,然后将更改传播回树以确保它保持平衡。这些来自数据结构讲座的幻灯片概述了算法。试着把它们翻译成 Prolog。幻灯片清楚地列出了不同的案例。我上面给出的示例代码应该可以帮助您完成插入算法的第一阶段(找到正确的底层节点来插入新叶子)。在备份树时采用相同的方法。

于 2014-07-17T23:18:39.690 回答