I have since upgraded to Juno and the latest version of Egit. However, i noticed that when i attempt to push to a remote repository, the configured remote repository is defaulting to some random repository URL that isn't associated with my repository. the configured one seems to be picked up from some other location. has anyone seen this behavior? i checked my repository and see the proper remote URL present.


1 回答 1


我猜你使用了调用Push Wizard的那些菜单。那个允许推送到任意位置,独立于当前存储库。不要一直这样做,请配置一个上游配置,这样你就可以在没有任何位置选择的情况下推送到上游。

如果您确实使用多个遥控器并希望定期推送到多个存储库,那么您应该为每个遥控器配置其特定的推送 URL 和规范。这样,您只需选择遥控器上的推送上下文菜单(无需任何其他选择)即可推送到不同的遥控器。

于 2013-05-10T08:45:31.077 回答