I need to make a vlookup function based on two unique IDs. So far the Internet has told me that a combined match index will do the trick. Unfortunately are my excels skills limiting me.

Basically I have 3 different tabs. In tab1 I have a col with dates and one with quantities. These are the cols I need to lookup. In tab2 I have dates and a supplier name, while Im in tab3 got quantity information and a supplier name.

So I wish to match the information in tab2 and tab3 with tab1 so I can see when a supplier delivered a given quantity.


1 回答 1


So you want to get Supplier / Date / Quantity. I guess the original idea of the problem as you set it out is overcomplicating things.

I would personally use the table with Supplier / Date on tab2 as the starting point and add a column with a formula to that tab to get the quantity. This formula will refer to tab1 and will work perfectly fine with just a vlookup on the date and retrieve the quantity:

So on tab2 column C (specifically cell C2):

=VLOOKUP(A2 ; tab1!A:B ; 2 ; FALSE)

Or if you need comma as separator:

=VLOOKUP(A2 , tab1!A:B , 2 , FALSE)
于 2013-05-07T12:22:51.527 回答