I want to try a use case using WSO2 in which a message sent to a queue is sent to a sequence of queues.

Currently I am using proxyname as the inbound queue and send mediator finally sends to queue 'ONE'. now If want to send the message from queue ONE to queue TWO, I had to create another proxy.

Is it possible to create a proxy which takes the message from Queue One -> queue Two -> Queue Three -> Queue Four. All using a single WSO2 proxy service.

In terms of webservice chaining, I can use callout mediator. What suggestion I have in terms of JMS queues ?

Regards Guru @gnanagurus


1 回答 1


理想情况下,如果您想从 Q1 中选择一条消息并将其发送到 Q2,然后从 Q2 中选择一条消息并将其发送到 Q3 等。如果您正在处理代理服务,您需要为每个队列提供侦听器代理服务。但是您可以通过 WSO2 ESB 的消息存储/处理器在单个代理服务中实现这一点。请参阅 [1] 中的示例,您可以将其扩展到您的要求。

[1] - http://wso2.org/project/esb/java/4.0.3/docs/samples/store_n_forward_samples.html

于 2013-05-08T09:19:57.890 回答