我添加了一个 WebBrowser 作为其中一个全景项目的内容。WebBrowser 可以毫无问题地呈现。如果我通过触摸 WebBrowser 之外的区域来滑动全景图,则会发生滑动。但是,当我尝试通过触摸 WebBrowser 来滑动全景图时,不会发生滑动,而是 WebBrowser 垂直滚动。知道如何解决这个问题吗?
781 次
2 回答
于 2013-05-07T11:51:17.833 回答
虽然您无疑会发现 UI 指南不建议这样做,但在我的情况下这是必要的要求,我能够通过直接订阅 Touch 事件并手动检测滑动来解决此问题:
// controls "swipe" behavior
private Point touchDownPosition; // last position of touch down
private int touchDownTime; // last time of touch down
private int touchUpTime; // last time of touch up
private int swipeMaxTime = 1000; // time (in milliseconds) that a swipe must occur in
private int swipeMinDistance = 25;// distance (in pixels) that a swipe must cover
private int swipeMinBounceTime = 500; // time (in milliseconds) between multiple touch events (minimizes "bounce")
// handler for touch events
void Touch_FrameReported(object sender, TouchFrameEventArgs e)
var item = MyPivot.SelectedItem as PivotItem;
// ignore touch if we are not on the browser pivot item
if (item != BrowserPivotItem)
var point = e.GetPrimaryTouchPoint(item);
switch (point.Action)
case TouchAction.Down:
touchDownTime = e.Timestamp;
touchDownPosition = point.Position;
touchUpTime = 0;
case TouchAction.Up:
// often multiple touch up events are fired, ignore re-fired events
if (touchUpTime != 0 && touchUpTime - e.Timestamp < swipeMinBounceTime)
touchUpTime = e.Timestamp;
var xDelta = point.Position.X - touchDownPosition.X;
var yDelta = point.Position.Y - touchDownPosition.Y;
// ensure touch event meets the requirements for a "swipe"
if (touchUpTime - touchDownTime < swipeMaxTime && Math.Abs(xDelta) > swipeMinDistance && Math.Abs(xDelta) > Math.Abs(yDelta))
// advance to next pivot item depending on swipe direction
var iNext = MyPivot.SelectedIndex + (delta > 0 ? -1 : 1);
iNext = iNext < 0 || iNext == MyPivot.Items.Count ? 0 : iNext;
MyPivot.SelectedIndex = iNext;
然后在需要的地方订阅 Touch.FrameReported,或者为了更好的优化,仅在选择包含浏览器的数据透视项时订阅事件处理程序:
private void MyPivot_OnSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if ((sender as Pivot).SelectedItem == BrowserPivotItem)
Touch.FrameReported += Touch_FrameReported;
Touch.FrameReported -= Touch_FrameReported;
于 2013-10-17T19:53:19.723 回答