- 交换或交换数据元素功能
- 分区函数
- 处理分区
/* This selects what the data type in the array to be sorted is */
#define DATATYPE long
/* This is the swap function .. your job is to swap data in x & y .. how depends on
data type .. the example works for normal numerical data types .. like long I chose
above */
void swap (DATATYPE *x, DATATYPE *y){
Temp = *x; // Hold current x value
*x = *y; // Transfer y to x
*y = Temp; // Set y to the held old x value
/* This is the partition code */
int partition (DATATYPE list[], int l, int h){
int i;
int p; // pivot element index
int firsthigh; // divider position for pivot element
// Random pivot example shown for median p = (l+h)/2 would be used
p = l + (short)(rand() % (int)(h - l + 1)); // Random partition point
swap(&list[p], &list[h]); // Swap the values
firsthigh = l; // Hold first high value
for (i = l; i < h; i++)
if(list[i] < list[h]) { // Value at i is less than h
swap(&list[i], &list[firsthigh]); // So swap the value
firsthigh++; // Incement first high
swap(&list[h], &list[firsthigh]); // Swap h and first high values
return(firsthigh); // Return first high
/* Finally the body sort */
void quicksort(DATATYPE list[], int l, int h){
int p; // index of partition
if ((h - l) > 0) {
p = partition(list, l, h); // Partition list
quicksort(list, l, p - 1); // Sort lower partion
quicksort(list, p + 1, h); // Sort upper partition