我有一组无序的单词,我想在不使用超过 253 个字符的情况下组合它们。
def compose(words):
result = " ".join(words)
if len(result) > 253:
pass # this should not happen!
return result
words = "a bc def ghil mno pq r st uv"
limit = 5 # max 5 characters
# This is good because it's the shortest possible list,
# but I don't know how could I get it
# Note: order is not important
good = ["a def", "bc pq", "ghil", "mno r", "st uv"]
# This is bad because len(bad) > len(good)
# even if the limit of 5 characters is respected
# This is equivalent to:
# bad = ["a bc", "def", "ghil", "mno", "pq r", "st uv"]
import textwrap
bad = textwrap.wrap(words, limit)