我知道这可能是一个新手问题,但我很好奇在 Eclipse 中使用 Mylar/Mylyn。我正在浏览 Eclipse 的功能,并且看到了 Mylyn 的有趣工具/快捷方式(例如“制作地标”)。

特别是,如果我是我机器上的单一开发人员,我应该使用 Mylar 吗?还是用于 SVN 等?



1 回答 1


I also understand your interest. I've always noticed Mylyn, but I never bothered with it until recently. Eclipse Mylyn is a plugin for Task management. It also has some very nifty features like Storing active context. The integration with task management tools like Bugzilla and Github issues is amazing. look at this tutorial from Lars Vogel for more information, as well as the Mylyn Users Guide. Its one of those tools that once you start using, you can't stop.

于 2013-05-07T07:57:06.760 回答