我刚开始使用 Git,我对不同的分支感到非常困惑。谁能帮我弄清楚以下分支类型是什么?

  • 当地分支机构
  • 本地跟踪分支
  • 远程分支
  • 远程跟踪分支




4 回答 4




如果您正在协作使用 Git,您可能需要将您的提交与其他机器或位置同步。在 Git 的术语中,每台机器或位置都称为remote,每台机器或位置都可能有一个或多个分支。大多数情况下,您只会有一个,名为origin. 要列出所有遥控器,请运行git remote

$ git remote

您可以通过运行以下命令查看这些远程名称是哪些位置的快捷方式git remote -v

$ git remote -v
bitbucket git@bitbucket.org:flimm/example.git (fetch)
bitbucket git@bitbucket.org:flimm/example.git (push)
origin git@github.com:Flimm/example.git (fetch)
origin git@github.com:Flimm/example.git (push)


$ ls -F .git/refs/remotes/
bitbucket/ origin/



1. 当地分支机构

您可以通过运行以下命令查看计算机上所有本地分支的列表git branch

$ git branch


$ ls -F .git/refs/heads/
master new-feature


1.1 非跟踪本地分支机构

非跟踪本地分支不与任何其他分支关联。您通过运行创建一个git branch <branchname>

1.2. 跟踪本地分支机构

跟踪本地分支与另一个分支相关联,通常是远程跟踪分支。您通过运行创建一个git branch --track <branchname> [<start-point>]

您可以使用以下命令查看您的哪个本地分支机构正在跟踪分支机构git branch -vv

$ git branch -vv
master      b31f87c85 [origin/master] Example commit message
new-feature b760e04ed Another example commit message



跟踪本地分支机构很有用。它们允许您运行git pulland git push,而无需指定要使用的上游分支。如果分支未设置为跟踪另一个分支,您将收到如下错误:

$ git checkout new-feature
$ git pull
There is no tracking information for the current branch.
Please specify which branch you want to merge with.
See git-pull(1) for details

    git pull <remote> <branch>

If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:

    git branch --set-upstream new-feature <remote>/<branch>


您可以通过运行以下命令查看计算机上所有远程跟踪分支的列表git branch -r

$ git branch -r


$ tree -F .git/refs/remotes/
├── bitbucket/
│   └── master
└── origin/
    ├── master
    └── new-branch

将您的远程跟踪分支视为远程机器所包含内容的本地缓存。您可以使用在幕后使用git fetch的更新您的远程跟踪分支。git pull



您可以通过运行以下命令查看所有远程分支(即远程计算机上的分支)git remote show <remote>

$ git remote show origin
* remote origin
  Fetch URL: git@github.com:Flimm/example.git
  Push  URL: git@github.com:Flimm/example.git
  HEAD branch: master
  Remote branches:
    io-socket-ip            new (next fetch will store in remotes/origin)
    master                  tracked
    new-branch              tracked
  Local ref configured for 'git pull':
    master     merges with remote master
    new-branch merges with remote new-branch
  Local ref configured for 'git push':
    master     pushes to master     (up to date)
    new-branch pushes to new-branch (fast-forwardable)

git remote命令通过网络查询远程机器的分支。它不会更新本地机器上的远程跟踪分支,使用git fetchgit pull为此。




  • 要安全地删除本地分支,无论是跟踪还是非跟踪:

      git branch -d <branchname>
  • 要强制删除本地分支,无论是跟踪还是非跟踪:

      git branch -D <branchname>
  • 要删除远程跟踪分支:

      git branch -rd <remote>/<branchname>
  • 要创建一个新的本地非跟踪分支:

      git branch <branchname> [<start-point>]
  • 创建一个新的本地跟踪分支:(请注意,如果<start-point>指定并且是远程跟踪分支,如origin/foobar,则--track自动包含该标志)

      git branch --track <branchname> [<start-point]


      git branch --track hello-kitty origin/hello-kitty
  • 要删除远程机器上的分支:

      git push --delete <remote> <branchname>
  • 要删除所有过时的远程跟踪分支,即远程机器上的相应分支不再存在:

      git remote prune <remote>

您可能已经注意到,在某些命令中,您使用<remote>/<branch>, 而其他命令中,<remote> <branch>. 示例:git branch origin/hello-kittygit push --delete origin hello-kitty


于 2014-07-16T16:18:08.950 回答


git branch myNewBranch        # Create local branch named "myNewBranch"

远程分支是远程位置的分支(在大多数情况下)origin。您可以将新创建​​的本地分支推myNewBranch送到origin. 现在其他用户可以跟踪它。

git push -u origin myNewBranch   # Pushes your newly created local branch "myNewBranch"
                                 # to the remote "origin".
                                 # So now a new branch named "myNewBranch" is
                                 # created on the remote machine named "origin"

远程跟踪分支是远程分支的本地副本。当myNewBranch被推送到使用上面的命令时,会在你的机器上创建origin一个名为的远程跟踪分支。origin/myNewBranch这个远程跟踪分支跟踪远程分支myNewBranchorigin您可以使用或更新远程跟踪分支以与远程分支同步。git fetchgit pull

git pull origin myNewBranch      # Pulls new commits from branch "myNewBranch" 
                                 # on remote "origin" into remote tracking
                                 # branch on your machine "origin/myNewBranch".
                                 # Here "origin/myNewBranch" is your copy of
                                 # "myNewBranch" on "origin"

本地跟踪分支是跟踪另一个分支的本地分支。这样您就可以向/从另一个分支推送/拉取提交。大多数情况下,本地跟踪分支跟踪远程跟踪分支。当您将本地分支推送到origin使用git push带有-u选项的命令时(如上所示),您设置本地分支myNewBranch以跟踪远程跟踪分支origin/myNewBranch。这是需要使用的git push,并且git pull没有指定要推入或拉出的上游。

git checkout myNewBranch      # Switch to myNewBranch
git pull                      # Updates remote tracking branch "origin/myNewBranch"
                              # to be in sync with the remote branch "myNewBranch"
                              # on "origin".
                              # Pulls these new commits from "origin/myNewBranch"
                              # to local branch "myNewBranch which you just switched to.
于 2013-05-06T22:46:28.063 回答


您机器上的一个分支,您可以在其中工作并添加提交。您可以使用 列出这些分支git branch


配置为对应远程分支的普通本地分支。这样做的好处是能够指定存储库和分支名称,git pullgit push不必指定存储库和分支名称。跟踪还git status可以在您的分支在遥控器前面或后面时通知您。


只是远程存储库上的一个分支——通常在 GitHub 等服务器上。


远程分支的本地副本。永远不应编辑此分支。其目的是跟踪远程分支的当前状态。可以查看远程跟踪分支git branch -r,通常看起来像origin/master(repo 名称后跟斜线,后跟分支名称)。运行git fetch将更新远程跟踪分支以反映相应远程分支的状态。

git branch -avv是我个人最喜欢的,它可以快速概览我的机器上的哪些分支、远程上的哪些分支以及每个分支中的最新提交。该-a部分指定应显示所有分支(远程和本地)。最后的v's 代表详细(它显示最后的提交哈希和消息)。感谢@Flimm 指出第二个v添加了有关哪个本地分支正在跟踪哪个远程的信息。

于 2013-05-06T23:33:23.713 回答


TL;DR - 这是有组织的,因此您可以跳到您需要知道的内容。


  • 快速概述 - 4 种类型的分支是什么以及在哪里可以找到它们
  • 简短词汇表 - 与分支相关的基本原则和术语
  • 调查 - 如何检查您的本地和远程分支机构
  • 相关文件 - 配置文件
  • 配置 - 如何查看和设置您的分支配置
  • 协作 - 如何使用远程分支





  1. 它直接指向一个本地头,(即指向特定的提交;不断增长的提示)


  1. 它直接指向本地头,(即指向特定的提交;不断增长的提示),并且
  2. 它象征性地指向远程存储库上的第二个分支。


  • local - 分支指向本地头的位置。

  • 远程- 分支指向远程头的本地副本。

以下是 4 种类型的分支,我们在哪里看到它们,以及它们如何映射:

WHERE    ---BRANCH TYPE--------     --REFERENCE TARGETS-------

Remote   simple branch -----------> remote head (a commit ID)

Local    simple branch -----------> local  head (a commit ID)

Local    local  tracking-branch --> local  head (a commit ID1)
                                --> Remote-name/branch-name

Local    remote tracking-branch --> local  head (a commit ID2)
                                --> Remote-name/branch-name




'a snapshot'      - A recording of the state of one or more files 
                    and their contents at a given moment in time.

'a commit'        - A container holding one snapshot, the date and
                    time it was  recorded, who recorded it, and a
                    comment to say what it's all about.

'a repository'    - A repository of commits, organized so we can 
                    look thru them, going backwards in time.

                    Much like photos added in sequence to a photo
                    album book, to record our own history, each commit
                    contains a snapshot of the exact state of our
                    project at a given moment in time.
                    It is used to be able to look backwards in time to
                    how it was at any recorded previous time.

'Remote'          - (Upper case) Short for 'a named remote repository'
                                 (of commits, of snapshots)

'remote'          - (Lower case) Located on  another     git repository
'local'           -              Located on  your local  git repository  

'a head'          - A specific young commit, with no children yet of
                    it's own (i.e. no other commits yet pointing to it),
                    but which may link backwards in time to one or more
                    of it's natural parents.

                    Also called a growing tip.
                    Initially set to a <start-point>. 

'a branch'        - A symbolic name (i.e. an identifier) pointing
                    to one specific head, and possibly, depending on
                    the branch type, also pointing to a remote branch.

                    The term 'branch' can also refer to a specific
                    linked list of multiple commits (plural), starting 
                    from the growing tip (or most recent baby), and 
                    linking offspring to their parent(s) backwards in

'tracks'          - As we move forward, tracks are what we leave behind.

'tracked'         - To be followed, as in, to come afterwards, or after
                    the fact, by way of the evidence left behind, of the
                    a state of being of the thing being tracked, as it
                    moves forwards in time.

'tracking'        - The process of capturing and organizing snapshots of
                    our project so we can later look backwards in time
                    to find how it previously was.

'tracking-branch' - This term is somewhat redundant, and confusing, 
                    but does have a specific, important meaning.

                    I have deliberately added the hyphen, because this
                    term does NOT mean simply 'tracking branch'.  (Grab
                    your aspirin, and a cold pack for your head, lol.)

                    Because all branches in git are used for, and only
                    used for, tracking your project, therefore it could
                    be said that ALL branches are actually 
                    'tracking-branches', but we don't call them that.

                    Instead we call them, simply 'branches'.

                    But then what is a 'tracking-branch'?

         TL;DR      A 'tracking-branch' is a local name that points to
                    two branches at the same time.
                      So when you read  'tracking-branch,  it might be 
                      helpful to instead think:  'branch-pair'.

                        (Normal branches only point to one thing, the
                        head, which is the commit at a growing tip.
                        And they do not have any symbolic pointers.)

                    1) The first branch a 'tracking-branch' points to
                    is the same as for any other branch:  a local head,
                    (i.e. a young commit in our local repository without 
                    any children.)  This is where a tracking-branch
                    keeps a full local copy of a remote branch.

                      Note that it doesn't necessiarialy hold a full
                      duplicate copy of the entire second, remote 
                      repository.  If you have cloned the remote 
                      repository then you already have most, if not all
                      of their commits in your own local repository.

                    2) The second branch a 'tracking-branch' points to
                    is a branch on a remote repository.

                      It does this with a <remote-name>/<branch-name>.
                      The 'remote-name' is used to find the URL to the 
                      remote repository.  See `git remote -v`.

                    Why point to two branches?  

                      This is to be able to operate on two heads at the
                      same time, like to copy commits from one head to
                      the other as `git fetch` and `git push` does.

                    We have two types of 'tracking-branches' (both on
                    our local repository):
                      'local  tracking-branches', 
                           with a simple     branch name,  and
                      'remote tracking-branches', 
                           with a path-style branch name.
                      See `git branch -avv`.  For example:


  • 这里输出的第一两行是本地跟踪分支。星号 (*) 前缀master告诉我们这master是当前的默认分支(即检出到我们工作区的内容)。顺便说一句,这个名字masterrefs/heads/master.

  • 第三行输出是一个简单的本地分支

  • 第 4 行输出根本不是一个分支,而是第二个本地 HEAD(除了我们正常的本地 HEAD),它指向默认的远程跟踪分支,或者本示例中的以下分支之一。用来git remote set-head <remote-name> <remote tracking-branch name>设置。(请注意,这也与返回的 HEAD 不同,git remote show <remote-name>后者是远程存储库的 HEAD 的下载值。)

  • 最后两行输出是远程跟踪分支。

请注意,所有分支都引用一个提交 ID(十六进制数)。remotes/origin/HEAD不是一个分支,所以它没有这个。

另请注意,前两行和最后两行还具有对远程分支的符号引用(在本例中为名为 的远程origin)。

这里的“master”是我们本地的工作分支。并且是从我们调用的远程fetched (by , or )remotes/origin/master的分支的本地副本。mastergit fetchgit clonegit pullorigin

(顺便说一句,origin是我们最初克隆的远程存储库的默认名称,带有一个git clone命令。)

                    So our 'remote tracking-branches' are not remote 
                    branches, on a remote repository, but rather are 
                    local branches, which have a local head of their
                    own, pointing to a local commit, and also at the 
                    same time symbolically pointing, to a remote 

                    With `git branch -avv`, notice how two branches can
                    point to origin/remote:
                    * the first  being the  'local-tracking-branch' 
                      with the name        'master', and with the
                      '[origin/master]' extra clause,  and 
                    * the second being the 'remote-tracking-branch'
                      with the name 'origin/master'.

                    NOTE: Though they point to the same remote branch, 
                    the local commit head is not always the same!
                    Thus they are actually two different branches.  
                    The 'local-tracking-branch' is our working branch, 
                    and the 'remote-tracking-branch' is a copy of the 
                    remote's branch that we cloned from or fetched to



git remote                      # List names of known Remotes  

git remote -v                   # List names of known Remotes and
                                #   show the 2 URL's pointing to them  
                                #  See '[remote "<names>"]' in
                                #    $ cat .git/config


git remote show <remote-name>   # Download and view 
                                #   a specific Remote's info.

# for example, let's download the information for 
# two remotes named origin and upstream:


  • 前导星号(*)是一个项目符号,用于标记来自给定远程的数据的开始。我们要求从两个遥控器下载,所以我们有两个项目符号。

  • 第一输出给出了遥控器的名称,以单词“remote”开头。

  • 2 行和第 3行报告了我们为远程命名的本地配置的获取和推送 URLorigin。也可以使用 来查看它们git remote -v

  • 4行报告来自远程存储库的 HEAD。你不能设置这个 HEAD。它也不与本地 HEAD 相同,也不与远程本地读取相同git branch -avv

  • 从第6行开始是远程存储库拥有的分支列表


  • 然后 torek对剩下的几行说了这样的话:

git remote show 所做的就是调用 [远程],使用git ls-remote, 通过互联网电话,并将它们的引用与您的引用进行比较,以根据这些结果猜测什么git fetch和会做什么。git push(如果你使用git pull,那只是意味着 run git fetch,然后 run git merge。该git remote show命令也试图猜测它会做什么。)


git branch -avv  # Show ALL  'local branches', verbosely;  (3 types):

git branch -rv   # -- type 1 -------------------------------------
                 # Show ONLY 'local branches' that point to
                 # 'remote branches' (-r = remote; -v = verbose)
                 #   This lists your 'Remote tracking branches'!
                 #     From:  $ tree .git/refs/remotes/*
                 #      They allow us to move snapshots between
                 #       repositories, and to keep a copy of
                 #       Remote's branches locally.

git branch -vv   # -- types 2 and 3 ------------------------------
                 # Show ONLY 'local branches', that point to local
                 # things, but his includes two different types of
                 #  branches mixed together, for example:

* master  de430b6 [origin/master] <comment describing this branch>
  updates 3c40299 [origin/updates] <comment describing this branch>
  foo     de430b6  <comment describing this branch>


这告诉我们,这两个分支不是普通的本地分支,而是Local tracking-branches。与上面的“远程跟踪分支”类似,它们也象征性地指向远程分支。因此master在这种情况下,不仅指向本地存储库中的分支,而且还指向origin/master远程存储库中的 ,。

这些额外的字段由 .git/config 中的参数设置。



 cat .git/config                       # '[branch "<names>"]' are local
                                       #    tracking branches

 ls -F .git/refs/heads/*               # 'Local' branch names & heads:
                                       #   both tracking and non-tracking

 ls .git/refs/remotes/<remote-name>/*  # 'Remote' tracking branch names & heads


使用 创建git branch, git checkout -b,或通过使用克隆远程存储库git clone,或通过直接编辑.git/config或使用这些显式管理:


通过使用 git clone.

  • git remote add- 显式添加一个新的远程名称(到 .git/config)
  • git remote rename
  • git remote remove- 删除遥控器
  • git remote prune- 删除已在远程删除的任何本地远程跟踪分支


  • git set-url- 设置一个 url,或者为遥控器替换一个 url

  • git set-url --add- 将 url 附加到远程的 url 列表中

  • git set-url --delete- 删除所有匹配模式的 url

  • git set-branches- 更改跟踪分支的集合

  • git set-branches --add- 追加,而不是完全替换当前跟踪的分支列表

  • git set-head- 设置默认远程分支(即远程的 HEAD)

  • git set-head --auto- 查询远程以设置远程分支的本地 HEAD

  • git set-head --delete- 删除默认远程分支(即远程的 HEAD)


git branch  [--set-upstream | --track | --no-track]  [-l] [-f]               <NewBranchName> [<start-point>]   # create branch         (start point defaults to HEAD)

git branch  (--set-upstream-to=<upstream-branch> | -u <upstream-branch>)       [<BranchName>]                  #   link to upstream branch
git branch --unset-upstream                                                    [<BranchName>]                  # unlink to upstream branch

git branch --edit-description                                                  [<BranchName>]                  # edit   branch description

git branch (-m | -- move | -M)                              [<oldBranchName>] <newBranchName>                  # rename (move) branch; -M = force

git branch (-d |           -D) [-r]                                             <BranchName>...                # delete branch


使用默认配置,当您git clone自动设置遥控器和跟踪分支时。但是请注意,有些配置设置会禁用或更改其工作方式。

提示使用该--dry-run选项git fetchgit push在执行此操作之前查看会发生什么。

使用git fetch(可能通过调用git pull)更新远程提交的本地副本,以使您保持最新状态。

如果不包含 a 则使用默认值。.git/config您可以在 下的fetch=属性中查看默认值[remote "<remote-name>"]。这可能看起来像这样:

[remote "origin"]
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

语法是[+]?<source>:<destination>. 这意味着获取.git/refs/heads/*远程存储库中正常的简单分支的 refs(通常是提交和标签),并将它们放入我们的本地.git/refs/remotes/origin/*分支,即我们的跟踪分支。酷,嗯!顺便说一句,“+”表示更新,即使这不会是快进。

用于git push <remote> <branch>将本地提交发送到您有权写入的远程存储库。


于 2021-01-03T20:15:45.143 回答