//Define Cache Keys
private const string CACHE_CONTESALIST_KEY = "ContesaList";
private const string CACHE_CONTESA_PROPERTY_KEY = @"ContesaProperty-{0}";
NameValueCollection namevaluecollection = currentContext.GetCollection();
ContesaList contesaList = null;
if (Cache[CACHE_CONTESALIST_KEY] != null)
contesaList = Cache[CACHE_WEBCLASSLIST_KEY] as ContesaList;
if (contesaList == null)
contesaList = ContesaList.GetWebClassList();
Cache.Insert(CACHE_CONTESALIST_KEY, contesaList);
var contesa = contesaList.First(c => c.Id.Equals(namevaluecollection["contesaElements"], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (contesa != null)
// Check for Contesa Properties in cache(How?);
// if not available cache the properties within the collection where each key is
// is suffixed with the property id.
// Begin Pseudo-Code
// if (thePropertiesNotInCache)
// {
// This takes care of first element but how to do it for all the elements?
// Cache.Insert(String.Format(CACHE_CONTESA_PROPERTY_KEY, contesa.ContesaProperties.ToList()[0].CPropertyId), webclass.ContesaProperties.ToList()[0]);
// }
// End Pseudo-Code