由于互联网连接速度慢,在用户断开连接后,我正在重新连接用户连接。我需要让用户重新连接。问题是,连接成功,并且正在重新连接,但是重新连接时同一用户,它在 fms 服务器上添加为新连接。下面是简单连接和重新连接的弹性代码。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" applicationComplete="init();">
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
import mx.controls.Alert;
private var connectionURL:String = "rtmp://localhost/Sample_connect";
private var nc:NetConnection;
private var nsClient:Object;
private var video:Video;
private var meta:Object;
private var firstNetConnection:Boolean;
private var intervalNC:Timer;
public function init():void
debug("Flash Player Version: " + Capabilities.version);
// Flag that determines whether to call connectStream() or reconnectStream().
firstNetConnection = new Boolean();
firstNetConnection = true;
// A Timer to delay the reconnection.
intervalNC = new Timer(2000, 1);
intervalNC.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, reconnectNetConnection);
// Create a NetConnection, add event listeners, and connect to the FMS application.
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
//nc.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);
internal var alertt:Alert;
// Handles all NetStatusEvent events for the NetConnection.
private function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
trace("event.info.code: "+event.info.code);
switch (event.info.code) {
case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
if (firstNetConnection)
// If this is the first time connecting, create and set up a NetStream.
// If this isn't the first time connecting, attach the NetStream
// to the reconnected NetConnection.
case "NetConnection.Connect.Closed":
// After the connection closes, change the firstNetConnection flag.
firstNetConnection = false;
debug("Timer Started");
alertt=Alert.show("You have been disconnected, please wait till we try to reconnect you");
case "NetConnection.Connect.Failed":
// If the reconnection attempt fails, try again.
case "NetStream.Seek.Notify":
// A successful seek() call has occurred.
// Parse event.info.description to check whether the seek is "smart".
var desc:String = new String(event.info.description);
if(desc.indexOf("client-inBufferSeek") >= 0)
debug("A SMART SEEK occured");
debug("A STANDARD SEEK occured");
case "NetStream.Step.Notify":
// A successful step() call has occurred.
debug("Successful NetStream.step() call");
// Called when the first NetConnection is successful.
private function connectStream():void {
debug("connectStream() called");
private function debug(txt:String):void {
log.text += txt + "\n";
// Called after a connection closes to reconnect to FMS.
private function reconnectNetConnection(timer:TimerEvent):void {
debug("reconnectNetConnection() called");
//nc = new NetConnection();
//nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
//nc.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);
// Called after a successful reconnection to FMS.
private function reconnectStream():void {
debug("reconnectStream() called");
// Attaches the same NetStream to the reconnected NetConnection.
// Flash Player knows where to start playing the stream.
// Add the first playlist entry.
// Note that to rebuild the playlist, you use APPEND_AND_WAIT.
private function disconnect():void
nc.call("disconnectClient", null);
public function ButtonClick(event:MouseEvent):void
<mx:HDividedBox id="hbox" width="761" height="501">
<mx:TextArea id="log" height="498" updateComplete="{log.verticalScrollPosition = log.maxVerticalScrollPosition}" width="335"/>
<mx:TextArea id="help" condenseWhite="true" height="495" visible="true" scroll="true" width="542">
<![CDATA[<p><b>Stream Reconnect</b></p>
<p>This example shows how a stream continues to play even when you lose your network connection.
The stream uses the buffer to continue playing while the NetConnection is reconnected.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><b>Do one of the following to disconnect and reconnect to a nework:</b>
<li>Disable your wireless network connection and enable it.</li>
<li>Unplug your ethernet cable and plug it back in.</li>
<li>Unplug your ethernet cable and try to connect to a wireless connection.</li></p>
<p><b>Or, to simulate a network change, click the Disconnect button.</b></p>
<p>The Disconnect button calls the application.disconnect() function on the server.
(If you call NetConnection.close() on the client, Flash Player cleans up the NetConnection
and NetStream objects and you can't reuse them.)</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The stream continues to play seamlessly. Watch the log to see the 'NetConnection.Connect.Closed' event,
then 'Timer Started', then either 'reconnectNetConnection() called' or 'NetConnection.Connect.Failed'.
If the connection attempt fails, the timer runs again and restarts the process until a successful
connection is made. A successful connection triggers 'NetConnection.Connect.Success' which invokes
<p> </p>
<p><b>Smart Seek</b></p>
<p>Smart seek uses the back buffer and the forward buffer to seek -- the server doesn't request
data from the server. Click "Show Buffers" to see the buffer lengths. Click "Seek" and "Step" to move
the playhead. Look at the log to see whether the seek was "Smart" or "Standard". If the buffer isn't large
enough, Flash Player calls the server for more data, resulting in a standard seek. </p>
<mx:Button label="send" click="ButtonClick(event)" y="504"/>
FMS 代码 (main.asc)
var name="connect";
trace("ON connected");
trace("connected::::: "+name);
trace("GetData Is Called!! "+name);
trace("Disconnected: ");