
我有一个检查枚举状态的嵌套 if else 语句

if ( status == enum.value1) 
    //Call some function 1 
else if ( status == enum.value2) 
    //call some function 2
else if ( status == enum.valu3 ) 
   call some function 3. 
else if ( status == enum.valu3  || status == enum.valu10) 
   call some function 4. 

我该如何重构/简化它?我不想使用 swicth 案例。


3 回答 3


Try a Dictionary. Fill it up with delegates:

Dictionary<YourEnum, Action> dict = new Dictionary<YourEnum, Action>();
dict.Add(YourEnum.value1, MyMethod1);
dict.Add(YourEnum.value2, MyMethod2);

And then return them plus invoke them when needed:

于 2013-05-06T07:18:30.590 回答

If you have a large amount of options, to the point where several ifs or a switch statement is inconvenient, you could create a Dictionary with the enum type as the key and a delegate as the value.

于 2013-05-06T07:18:13.243 回答


于 2013-05-06T07:17:15.397 回答