I have a table in SSRS, with income from two campaigns.
My columns are:
- serialnumber
- DateOfPayment
- PaymentAmount
- DaysSinceCampaign
- Campaign
I want my chart to plot a running total of paymentamount by DaysSinceCampaign for each campaign (bs13 and bs12). I'm pretty close, as shown above - but for some reason, the BS13 campaign starts at 20,000, appearing to be adding on to BS12 - when it is supposed to start at 0.
In the Values section for Chart Data, I have used this formula:
I have tried changing 'nothing' to "campaign", and have tried defining 'Campaign' as a row group and a column group - but it keeps returning the same error: that the scope parameter must be set to a string constant equal to a containing group.