这个问题是关于将 XML 数据从 LiveCode 堆栈写入文件。用户指南的第 6.7 章讨论了 LiveCode 提供的 XML 函数。我正在寻找展示如何构造 XML 文件并将其写入磁盘文件的示例。

http://support.runrev.com/tutorials/xmldemo.rev.gz是一个关于如何使用 LiveCode 的 revNNN XML 函数的教程堆栈。


  local tDocID, tParentNode, tSubNode

  -- get the document ID for the current XML tree
  put fld "DocID" into tDocID

  -- specify the root node for the XML tree
  put "/employeeTable" into tParentNode

  revAddXMLNode tDocID, tParentNode, "employee", ""
  put the result into tSubNode

  -- add the IDnum attribute to the newly created data record
  revSetXMLAttribute tDocID, tSubNode, "IDnum", "1"

  -- add the remaining data elements, checking for error after each addition
  revAddXMLNode tDocID, tSubNode, "firstName", "Steve"
  revAddXMLNode tDocID, tSubNode, "lastName", "Jobs"
  revAddXMLNode tDocID, tSubNode, "roomNum", "001"
  revAddXMLNode tDocID, tSubNode, "phoneExt", "345"
  revAddXMLNode tDocID, tSubNode, "parkingSlot", 100


  <?xml version="1.0"?>

    <employee IDnum="1">


是否有库通过提供便利功能使编写 XML 文本更容易,这样我在添加嵌套结构时就不需要跟踪节点?


startXML "theEmployees.xml"  -- gives the file name 
startTag "employeetable"
  startTag "employee"
    addAttribute "IDnum", 1
    startTag "firstName"
      writeContent "Steve"
    -- or
    writeNode "lastname", "Jobs"
    writeNode "roomnum", "001"
    -- ....
   closeTag -- employee
closeTag -- employeeTable

编写几个这样的函数相对容易,但问题是。是否有既定的方法可以将 XML 文本写入 LiveCode 中的文件?


4 回答 4


如果您只想编写 XML(而不是创建 revXMLTrees),您可以编写自己的函数。对于初学者来说,这个怎么样:

local _tags
local _xml
local _level
local _tabs

function q pText
   return quote & pText & quote
end q

on startXML
   put "<?xml version=" & q("1.0") & "?>" & return into _xml
   put 0 into _level
   put empty into _tabs
   put empty into _tags
end startXML

on startTag pTag
   put _tabs & "<" & pTag & ">" & return after _xml
   add 1 to _level
   put pTag into _tags[_level]
   put tab after _tabs  
end startTag

on closeTag
   delete char 1 of _tabs
   put _tabs & "</" & _tags[_level] & ">" & return after _xml
   # Do a 'delete variable _tags[_level]' if you really want to clean the array as you go 
   subtract 1 from _level
end closeTag

on addAttribute pAttribute, pValue
   # This should go into the last tag, but as we have "proper XML" so far we can backtrace two chars (">" and newline)
   put space & pAttribute & "=" & q(pValue) before char -2 of _xml
end addAttribute

on writeContent pContent
   put _tabs & pContent & return after _xml
end writeContent

on writeNode pNode, pValue
   put _tabs & "<" & pNode & ">" & pValue & "</" & pNode & ">" & return after _xml
end writeNode

getProp xml
   return _xml
end xml


startTag "employeetable"
startTag "employee"
addAttribute "IDNum", 1
startTag "firstName"
writeContent "Steve"
writeNode "lastName", "Jobs"
writeNode "roomnum", "001"
writeNode "phoneExt", "345"
writeNode "parkingSlot", "100"
put the xml of this card into field 1


于 2013-05-08T09:43:27.063 回答

Mark Wieder(公共领域)的版本控制库包含一些可以考虑的 XML 编写程序。


--> xml

/** ------------------------------
* XML.StartTag
* Return <tag>
* Convert embedded commas and spaces as part of the process.
* ------------------------------
private function XML.StartTag pTag
    if comma is in pTag then
        replace comma with kMagicComma in pTag
    end if
    if "&" is in pTag then
        replace "&" with kAmpersand in pTag
    end if
    if space is in pTag and "=" is not in pTag then
        replace space with kMagicSpace in pTag
    end if
    return "<" & pTag & ">"
end XML.StartTag

/** ------------------------------
* XML.EndTag
* Return </tag>
* Convert embedded commas and spaces as part of the process.
* @pTag : the tag of interest
* ------------------------------
private function XML.EndTag pTag
   if comma is in pTag then
      replace comma with kMagicComma in pTag
   end if
   if space is in pTag and "=" is not in pTag then
      replace space with kMagicSpace in pTag
   end if
   return "</" & pTag & ">" & cr
end XML.EndTag

/** ------------------------------
* XML.Element
* return <tag>value</tab>
* base64encode the value item if necessary
* ------------------------------
private function XML.Element pTag, pValue
    local tIsBinary
    local tTest

    put false into tIsBinary
    if pTag is in "htmlText, script, imagedata" then
        put true into tIsBinary
        repeat for each byte tByte in pValue
            put chartonum(tByte) into tTest
            -- see if the char is printable
            if tTest < 32 or tTest > 128 then
                put true into tIsBinary
                -- no need to look further
                exit repeat
            end if
        end repeat
    end if
    -- can't have binary data in xml
    if tIsBinary then
        put "base64decode(" && q(base64encode(pValue)) && ")" into pValue
    end if
    return XML.StartTag(pTag) & pValue & XML.EndTag(pTag)
end XML.Element

--> Utilities

function q pText
    return quote & pText & quote
end q
于 2013-05-06T09:55:44.497 回答

LiveCode 文档(字典)包含许多与 XML 相关的函数。这些函数足以导航和操作任何 XML 树。但是,XML 外部不能很好地处理索引,这意味着您需要自己跟踪这些索引。例如,您可以使用它们的索引号遍历 XML 树,检查每个树节点的 ID 号并使用具有正确 ID 号的节点。如果你需要一个例子,请告诉我。

对于其他所有事情,弄清楚库的工作原理与弄清楚 XML 函数本身一样复杂。只需阅读内置文档。

于 2013-05-07T08:10:14.020 回答

它接缝它不适用于 UTF8 文本(重音字符,如ąęćś)作为节点值。

于 2013-05-07T11:36:13.157 回答