I have a Wamp server installed on Windows and it works perfectly. This article at the Slashdot inspired me to migrate from MySql to MariaDb and this question states that I can uninstall mysql and install MariaDb and it will work fine. However on Windows "Uninstall programs" section at control panel doesn't list something like MySql, i have only WampServer 2.2. Consequently, how can i replace MariDb with MySql on Windows or do i have to install php, apache, mariadb seperately?


1 回答 1


理论上,您可以将 mariaDB 与 WampServer 的 mySQL 并行安装,但要使其运行,您必须更改 DB 的端口之一,因为它们使用相同的连接端口。这是一个很好的解决方案,如果 WampServer 没有在它的包中“升级”到 mariaDB。

于 2018-03-15T22:25:50.970 回答