Building an MVC 3 app to work with an existing SQL Server 2012 database. The existing database has an existing UserProfile table with id, login, password and email.
I used this quick tutorial to get the nuget simplemembership pack working, and modified it to connect to my existing db and userprofile table. I received an error:
Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider
it is pointing to this line in the SimpleMembershipMvc3.cs file:
WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection(connectionStringName: "MyEntities", userTableName: "UserAccount", userIdColumn: "UserId", userNameColumn: "Login", autoCreateTables: false);
Apparently it is possible to get simplemembership working in an MVC3 DB First scenario, but all the articles I find online are either CodeFirst, or MVC4. I am looking for a complete tutorial for MVC3 DB First.
And I am not tied to SimpleMembership, I will try anything as long as it works. I tried making a custom SQLMembership Provider but could not get it to stop building its own, seperate database.
The only functionality I need to have is register, logon/off (all of which I already had, before I found out about the existence on membership and authentication), and I need to secure the members only pages of the site, which is why I started looking into all this in the first place.