我需要使用 Javascript 序列化程序生成以下 json 文件,
1. {"components":[{"name":"AA"}]}
2. {"customfield_10222":[{"name":"xxx"},{"name":"yyyy"}]} // this custom field represents the additional notification persons.
我需要使用 Javascript 序列化程序生成以下 json 文件,
1. {"components":[{"name":"AA"}]}
2. {"customfield_10222":[{"name":"xxx"},{"name":"yyyy"}]} // this custom field represents the additional notification persons.
public List<AdditionalUsers> AdditionalNotification = new List<AdditionalUsers>();
public List<ComponentsDetails> Component = new List<ComponentsDetails>();
class AdditionalUsers
public string name;
class ComponentsDetails
public string name;
string[] a=new string[2]{"XXX","YYY"};
foreach (string additionalUser in a)
AdditionalNotification.Add(new AdditionalUsers() { name =additionalUser });
Component.Add(new ComponentsDetails() { name = "AA" });
var subFields = new Dictionary<string, object>();
subFields.Add("components", Component); // represents 1 json file
subFields.Add("customfield_10222", AdditionalNotification); // represents 2 json file
JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string json = serializer.Serialize((Object)subFields);
"components":[{"name": "AA"}],